View Full Version : Hello! New here and would like some reassurance on symptoms...

12-04-16, 18:40
Hi everyone,

I am new here - found my way after an intense 4 weeks of extreme anxiety. Finally saw a psychiatrist yesterday and she has prescribed citalopram.

My anxiety started off with just worry - mainly health issues - but quickly became very physical in its symptoms. The more physical symptoms I experience, the more (health) anxious I get and so it goes on and on.

Having read some other posts about throat issues I wanted to check whether any had a globus sensation that was more like someone pushing on your throat? I have had the lump feeling also but it seems to have settled into more of a pressure feeling, combined with a need to clear my throat a lot and feeling a bit hoarse. Does that sound normal?!

I also get bouts of breathlessness that seemingly come out of nowhere - without me even feeling worried. I would imagine it is more common to feel panicked and then get the breathlessness but it is often the other way round with me...

I also get waves of nausea and hot flushes and am often finding it uncomfortable to eat - the food seems to go down slowly and with difficulty.

Any reassurance on this would be great. I have been having such a rubbish time and it would be so nice to feel a virtual hug!

Thanks for taking the time, Kate

12-04-16, 19:23
Your symptoms sound just like mine! I started on Citalopram many years ago and found it worked wonders, so hopefully it will for you too. I am now back to square one, but I think it's due to the menopause. I have now come off Citalopram and am trying a different AD and waiting for it to (hopefully) kick in!
While you're waiting for the meds to take effect, try to eat when you're hungry and whatever you feel like. It will pass x

Lady Penelope
13-04-16, 17:54
I am new here too and suffering with similar symptoms to you. I have not seen a physiatrist but hav been to A @ E twice and am waiting to see a cardiologist. My main problem us breathlessness. I have had numerous tests and they can't find anything physical. Hopefully my appointment with the cardiologist will reassure me. Good luck and take care. Seems like many people suffer from these symptoms and don know where to go for help. This website seems great. Xx

17-04-16, 19:19
Hi, my globus symptoms sound similar to yours.
Mine started after feeling anxious about my health and then an emotional shock.
It does feel like a lump stuck but I also get a pressure feeling.
I am taking sertraline for my anxiety and pantoprazole for my silent reflux which was discovered at ENT.
I do feel that the pantoprazole has given me this feeling of pressure as I didn't experience this before.
I hope your Citalopram begins to work soon

18-04-16, 13:39
I found that I had funny sensations in my throat after a panic attack. I didn't even realise this was a common symptom until reading through this thread. It was the main symptom that was making me feeling like I'd spin into another panic attack wondering what the hell it was. Thanks for the reassurance.