View Full Version : Cognition issues. Anxiety, withdrawal, or something sinister?

12-04-16, 18:57
Before I mention whats going on, Id like to add that I was on 20mg Citalopram for around 5 weeks before discontuing cold turkey due to mental confusion and other symptoms. Today is about Day 18 drug free, but Im experiencing a lot of the same issues that I had while on the drug. Never had these issues beforehand, or atleast not to this extreme.

It just feels like my brain doesnt work the way it used to. Its like when I come to a conclusion with the anxiety that usually woukd settle it, I completely forget the solution and have to work my way back there all over again. And the thoughts are always about the anxiety and the state I am in.

This is distressing because Im usually a very intelligent, analytical thinker and Ive always been decent at problem solving my way through anxiety with self-talk.. But lately it seems like my thoughts are negative and chaotic, like every scary thought is truth.

It feels like even when I stay calm or try to challenge the thoughts with positive ones, it just wont stick anymore almost as if I have no control and the automatic negative thoughts just keep coming. Am I stupid for trying to do this without meds, or is it just the actual withdrawal from the meds causing this? Can anxiety inhibit your ability to learn?

Im also struggling with near constant dizziness and just feeling incredibly spaced out like I havent slept in ages even though Ive been getting about 7-8 hours at night. But this makes me feel even more trapped in my head and unable to concentrate on the outside world.

Is this just severe anxiety/withdrawals? Can anyone else relate to the brain fog?

13-04-16, 03:18
I can relate to the brain fog. I've been freaking myself out about different symptoms that arise related to like, my brain, and I feel the same way with the self-talk and stuff. I have to find my way ALL the way back to the solution. Does it feel like your train of thought just kind of gets knocked away and you have to restart? Almost like you completely forgot what you were thinking about? I think we're fine. Love you! <3

13-04-16, 08:48
Haha, yes. Thats exactly what I go through. Instead of anxiety being this small thing, its evolved into almost a state of being with all of the ridiculous symptoms it causes. Its easy to forget that its just anxiety and these are just feelings/thoughts.

Is your cognitive stuff caused by meds or is that just an anxiety thing? I love you too, dear. :P