View Full Version : How do you cope? (I need some ideas)

12-04-16, 19:27
Hi all,
I am currently struggling with health anxiety and OCD and have all the time in the world in my hands. My mind has thoughts of every "worst case scenario" possible and this is a very difficult time for me.

My current anxiety is very severe and as I said I do not have much to occupy my time with. I get on forums to "help me cope" and have googled the topic EXTENSIVELY, which I think has only made me feel worse. I am having a hard time seeing friends and family. It's just an awful time right now filled with fear, anxiety, obsessive thoughts and panic attacks.

Suggestions on what to do? I can't just "snap out of it" although I wish SO MUCH I could. I am looking for a job. So far I just go online, talk to my best friend, fiance and mom, call hotlines to ask questions, go out for walks, go out to eat sometimes, watch a TV show here and there. Any other coping suggestions?

12-04-16, 19:35
I am beginning to think ditching the Internet is the best remedy. The problem is with constant access to Google you can overload yourself with information to convince you you're dying of x, y, z

I wonder how many of our parents/grandparents suffered from HA...I bet they just thought a sore throat was a sore throat not cancer!

I know it's difficult these days with Internet on every phone but perhaps it's time to take a little digital ban and stop feeding the demon?

I might even do this myself!


12-04-16, 22:49
I suppose I use the internet as reassurance or as a way to talk to others who are going through similar struggles, although I'm having a difficult time finding people with similar fears to mine.

12-04-16, 22:55
I just look for reassurance wherever I can. Other than that I find it really hard to cope.

12-04-16, 23:02

I'm sorry you're struggling with all of that. I know exactly how that felt. Is there a particular fear you are worried about? Mine was OCD intrusive thoughts that then eventually manifested into HA.

Just getting your fears out there, talking with someone anyone, even here keeping your anonymity helps alot.

What is it particularly that you have such fear about?