View Full Version : Coughing a lot- stomach pain- pulled muscle?

12-04-16, 21:02
I have had a bad cough the past couple of days. I think it's just allergies. Anyways, sometimes I cough so hard it hurts my stomach. Well today I woke up with a sharp pain in my upper right abdomen. Of course my first thought was appendicitis. Then I thought something was wrong with my gallbladder. Now I'm thinking I may have just pulled a stomach muscle. But of course my mind goes to the worst. Any thoughts on what it could be? I've been to the dr a lot lately and I don't want to go for something as small as a pulled muscle. Thanks.

12-04-16, 21:12
It's probably just a muscle strain from coughing so much. Think about all the muscles you use when your coughing a lot. Try a hot bath or shower maybe some allergy or cough medicine to help ease the cough.

12-04-16, 21:36
Thanks for the reply. I also forgot to mention it hurts a lot when I push on that one specific spot.

12-04-16, 23:53
Well then don't push on it lol pulled muscles will hurt to touch

12-04-16, 23:57
Haha. Good point! I just hate getting symptoms I'm not used to. I can handle coughing, but this pain in my abdomen is concerning me. I don't even know what it could be but I wish it would go away.

13-04-16, 00:23
I think that's also a ibs spot. If you have been constipated or backed up a bit it would hurt there. Either way if it were soemthing really wrong you'd have other symptoms then just pain in that one spot. Try a heat pad on it

13-04-16, 01:54
Thanks again for your help. Hopefully it will go away with some sleep.

13-04-16, 17:18
So it still hurts a little just when I cough or push on it. Trying not to panic. It wouldn't be internal bleeding, would it? I would probably be in more pain, right?

14-04-16, 15:37
Now the exact same spot on the other side of my abdomen hurts when touched too. That makes me think I probably am just giving my stomach a workout from all the coughing. Maybe I'll have a six pack by the time this cold/allergies passes! :-). Any idea how long it will take for my abdomen to feel back to normal. It really isn't hurting me that much, but I'm a worrier so I just want it to go away.

16-04-16, 10:32
Assuming that you won't need to cough, the pain--if it is from pulled muscle--should improve considerably within a week.

Pain from appendicitis in the lower right abdomen, between the belly button and the hip.

Pain from gallstones appear as an attack, that can last for several hours and then the pain goes completely away and in meantime your abdomen is not tender to touch.

Gas can cause pain, tenderness and bloating.

16-04-16, 10:37
I get this too when I have a cold or flu. Its just a muscle strain.
The way to tell is if the pain comes and goes in a flash, as soon as you cough. Something like appendicitis is constant and gets worse and worse. Muscle pain gets worse from moving such as when you cough. When you cough, you use muscles in your throat, chest and abdomen so its normal to experience discomfort all over those places if you have had a bad cough lately.

17-04-16, 00:46
Thanks so much everyone! I went to the dr and got antibiotics for a bronchial infection. I mentioned the pain and she wasn't worried about it. Hopefully the cough goes away soon so I don't have the stomach pain. Thanks again for all the advice. I really appreciate it!