View Full Version : finally had it done!

07-03-07, 13:49
well i did it - i had my repeat smear and I also went to a GUM clinic for a full check up - just to make sure! i'm glad its done, now just the wait for the results, 10 days for the clinic, 4 weeks for the smear (thank goodness they fast-tracked me!). i'm still worried though.. as i still ache, but there is nothing i can do really except wait. i really urge all women to get a smear test, its one thing you can do to eliminate the worries! :hugs:

07-03-07, 14:37
Well done :D

Piglet :flowers:

07-03-07, 16:14
A big well done to you Jessica xx

07-03-07, 17:17

Well done - good luck with the results.

One thing I do keep on top of is my health checks - i.e. smears, eye-testing and dentists. Although we hate it we do it for reassurance and peace of mind that we are ok at least with those few things.

miss diagnosis
08-03-07, 16:58
I couldnt agree with you more. I was TERRIFIED i had cervical cancer and was convinced the doctoer would take one look at my cervix and send me to a hospital so i avoided going for my smear and i avoided sex in case i bled after. After eventually going for the test i was so much happier and my sex life is better than ever!!

08-03-07, 17:14
Well done Jessica. that's really great