View Full Version : speech/typing problems

13-04-16, 11:54

So i am worried i have ms, parkinsons, a tumor etc, the usual suspects, the reaosn is because i find it an effort to speak, some days i am fine then other days its like my jaw is nervous and my toungue and although nobody else notices it i find i stutter and i feel like a slur but i know its not a true slur.

also when im typing i keep making mastakes and i look back and i am putting words in the wrong places, ie if i was typing bus sometimes im typing ubs and also when writting sometimes i do this mixing 2 words in the wrong order

is this normal ?

13-04-16, 16:33
This is totally normal. Anxiety has a way of making things that normally happen that we dont pay attention to, seem like these crazy things when we are hyperaware because of the anxiety. Everybody fumbles over their words sometimes, especially when anxious or nervous, even excited sometimes. Typos are obviously normal and placing words in different places can be caused by having a lot on your mind or anxiety in general. Its due to lack of focus, sometimes we will even accidentally join two words if we arent paying attention.

Just put it off as anxiety causing you to overreact and worry about things that were made to be seen in a different perspective by the anxiety.

14-04-16, 12:26

Thank you for your reply.

I just get worried because i never had these anxiety symptoms before, one day in work i forgot for about 10 seconds where the pickup button was on the phone, to most this would mean nothing but to me it scares me something is wrong in my head

i have good days and bad days, sometimes my speech and brain seem fine then other days its as though something is slowing me down, i do find it is worse in work, when i get home i feel more relaxed and nowhere near as anxious

i read an article on prebiotics and im going to get some as they have been shown to reduce anxiety

i just always think at what point do we stop saying its anxiety and that it could be something else.