View Full Version : Petechia and bleeding gums

13-04-16, 13:07
So for the past say 6 months I've noticed little red pin prick spots under my skin, on my arms some on my head, and torso mostly... They don't tend to fade with pressure and have really got me worried! For as long as I can remember I've always had problems with bleeding gums especially when using manual toothbrushes... I recently went to a walk in centre for treatment for scabies and mentioned said spots... The nurse practitioner said they look harmless due to their being few and the fact I had no random bruising.. Which I don't! Since coming to university I've had no diagnostic work done but a month prior to the said petechia I had diagnostic fbc completes for stomach issues (anxiety relates GAD) in which everything was fine apart from slightly low WBC! Despite having no fever, no recurrent infections, no bruising I'm severely convinced it's something sinister like leukaemia... Does this sound more like natural low platelet count?! Being a radiotherapy/oncology student really rifles you about cancer even though it surrounds me daily!

13-04-16, 13:13
Well... being that there are no symptoms of anything and your perceived symptoms were dismissed, I would be inclined to agree with you that your field of study is casing you some intrusive thoughts.

Positive (and non-intrusive) thoughts :)

13-04-16, 23:34
It's easier said than done, but don't worry about this. I have petechiae too and have done for ages. I also once worried that it was leukemia causing it and this was Feb 2015. Still here now. :)