View Full Version : Constant Headache

07-03-07, 16:41
Hi All, been getting a headache every day since last week, all on top and goes down my neck, feel very spaced out as well and getting very depressed and crying all the time. Never had a bad head this long before ( although I dont wake up with it ) and getting scared now.
Why is it every time I start to do well something comes along to knock me back again? :weep: :weep: :weep: Just wondered if anyone else has felt like this, grateful for any replies

Barb xxxxx

07-03-07, 16:49
ooo.. try not to worry.. you'll make your headache worse! it sounds painful! do you need your eyes tested? do you sent in front of a screen all day? do you drink alot of coffee and/or not enough water? the headache is very unlikely to be anything really serious - but ask a professional if you want sound advice. :yesyes:

07-03-07, 17:07
Hey Barb, sorry to hear you're feeling rough. Headaches and part and parcel of anxiety unfortunately. As others have said, it could lbe dehydration. However, if you can't bear it go to your doctor to be on the safe side.

Love Jo

07-03-07, 17:08
Hi There,

I know how you feel. I've had an almost constant headache for about 5 weeks now. Like you it's at the top of my head and goes down the back of my head and in to the top of my neck.

I've seen my doctor (of course) and he said it's anxiety/ stress related. It feels like some one is pressing the top of my head. With mine headache tablets don't work, it tends to go at night then in the morning it slowly comes back. Also when I exercise it eases off as well.

I'm sure yours is probably a tension type headache as well from what you describe, the worst thing about them is the more you worry and concentrate on them the worse they are which makes you worry more (I know that's what happens to me). They are horrible headaches and really get you down, the only real way to get rid of them is to try and relax (easier said than done I know!!). But try and keep yourself occupied and see if that helps, if not you could try relaxation tapes or accupuncture, that's what I've started to do and it seems to be helping a bit.

Hope this helps a bit

Take care


07-03-07, 17:37
Aw thanks for the replies, I have read your post Becki and I thought your headache sounded like mine, except I dont often get headaches My biggest fear is heart problems Just been for a drive with my daughter felt so scared Hope I am not going to spiral down again

Luv Barb xxx

07-03-07, 17:59
Barb to help a tension headache try to remember not to clench your jaw - just let your mouth drop open for a minute and that may help you realise if you are doing it or not.

Also put the two main fingers on your hand on your chin and press down gently bringing your head forward to your chest - can you feel this stretch the muscles down the back of your neck - do it again using the other hand. Try and drop your shoulders too.

Aswell as getting tension headaches alot I do also get a lot of sinus related ones which also give me face ache :winks: .

Love your avatar hun - it's beautiful!!

Piglet :flowers:

07-03-07, 19:22
Thanks Piglet, I do clench my jaws a lot lately,I will try what you have advised.

Luv Barb xxx

07-03-07, 19:26

Try some of these posts too...

Headaches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2098)
headaches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4794)
tender spots on head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4889)
Tension headaches! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5660)
ongoing headaches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6177)
Big HELLO and warm wishes to everyone (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6669)
New User - Pressure in head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6858)

or this website ..

Headaches - http://www.drjimboyd.com/book/text.html

Hope it gets better soon.

07-03-07, 19:54
Hi barb

Sorry you're not feeling too good.

The fact that you don't wake up with the headache must be good and indicates that it is more than likely a tension headache. You are relaxed when asleep then as you wake up and start getting anxious/stressed/tense the headache comes on.

How about treating yourself to a lovely indian head massage or a neck, back and shoulder massage. A friend has also recommended reflexology to me, she said it has really helped her migraines. Maybe a check up by your GP will help to put your mind at rest.

Hope you feel better soon.:yesyes:

k xx

08-03-07, 14:24
Hiya - I get really bad tension headaches starting in my shoulders, up sides and back of my neck and over to my face at the front - really bad and when my husband massages my neck and shoulders he says they are rock solid and tight and crunchy with tension in the muscles - I try to drop my shoulders and relax as I know I hold my shoulders around my ears when tense!! Wenjoy x

01-01-10, 16:40
hi i now how u feel. I have been sufering with constant headache's for 2 1/2 years but i don't have it where the pain runs down my neck i just have it in the front of my head all day every day. I have had a MRI scan done on me which showed up the ballance bit of my brain is below my skull. I have had a oporation done on my head to see if pressure was couseing it, i have had about 5 eye tests done and they have come back fine. i have had to stop takeing pain killers i have had about 20-30 lots of tablets which i have had 2 lots that have given me 4 day break each i have stopped haveing caffeine which i haven't had for over 6 mounths.

it has got me that way i am scarred in case the surgins haven't pick up something else that could be coursing it ie a brain tumor or something i had to change schools because of it.

if their is any one else now has tryed somthing else and it has worked for them could u let me now i would be most appreciated.

i have been told that there is a chance of haveing it for life but if there is a way of not haveing it i would try it
