View Full Version : Pulmonary embolism fear is driving me mad

13-04-16, 18:02
i suffer from health anxiety for a very long time and i was convinced that i had many fatal illnesses in my life. But lately, this fear of PE is really driving me crazy. First i was afraid that there is something with my heart, but because of my left leg hurting for almost a month now and my sedentary life for last few months, i started to believe i have developed dvt. Also im feeling weakness and shortness of breath on exertion. Did one ultrasound of left leg, it was negative. It wasnt enough, had to do another one, this time color duplex. Doctor did a test for half hour going through both of my legs. No dvt in legs. I talked with him about fear of pulmonary embolism and if i should take d-dimer test. He said it wasnt needed. I did it anyway. This also came negative. Was relieved for a while, until i read somewher that d-dimer isnt good for predicting PE. And that negative ultrasound also doesnt exclude PE, because clot could already leave leg and be in lungs. After at least 6 visits to ER during chest pains and shortness of breath attacks (they only check heart, never suspect PE) and numerous talks to doctors, nobody is convinced i have PE. I wanna get CT contrast scan but doctor says he doesnt want any more radiation. Now i feel i dont breath normal even at rest and have pain all over my chest. Im scared to even walk outside of house.Have any of you had similar experience? Do you think i should insist on ct scan? I feel like there is at least one clot sitting in lung and if i dont hurry, i will not last for long.