View Full Version : Trusting the doctor(can't do it)

13-04-16, 18:23
I had a ct scan of my neck a few weeks ago bc I told my ENT I was having a lot of hoarseness and sore throats. After he did the scope in office and didn't see anything, he ordered the ct.

It came back fine. On my neck. But the radiology report said that there were two "minute nodules. Less than 2mm) on the right upper lobe of my lung. It also said "a ct scan of the chest could be ordered for analysis.

I freaked out. Sent the info over to my pulmonologist. He called me right back and said there's nothing to worry about. He looked at the film and its nothing and he didn't see the need to do any further ct scans.

Of course since then I've been convinced that there is something in my chest. I've had shortness of breath and pain in my right side. I keep thinking that if he just ordered the ct scan and it came back ok then I'd feel so much better and have nothing left to get tested. (Not true of course)

How do I just trust him and not push for another test? I want so badly to accept it.

13-04-16, 18:36
It really is a black and white decision. You either do or go private and pay out the rear to do so. In my experience concerning the latter, people who chase the wind, never catch it ;)

Positive thoughts

13-04-16, 18:38
Right. Or beg the doc to do it. Or get another doc to do it. But I really want to try not to do that and practice acceptance.