View Full Version : Going back to doctor today

13-04-16, 19:12
Been having very bad anxiety for the last month or so and been to the doctors 3 weeks ago and then Monday. Both times the doctor (not my longtime doc) listened to my heart for about 20 seconds and really said nothing at all about my fears. He prescribed me Xanax and wanted me to come for follow up which I did. Well now I am going back today and seeing the assistant doctor of my longtime doc. I've been petrified that I have a blockage or are on the verge of a heart attack or stroke. I would really like an EKG or something a little better than just a stethoscope today. My sister is going with me and she's a much better talker than I especially when I can't hardly even think straight right now. Hopefully all goes well today and I get some of the peace of mind I hope for. Been having my extremities tingling lately so that's got me worried too. Anyone been to the doctors this often and did you have to ask for the tests yourself? What test should I ask for to help me with my fear? Thanks and sorry for long post.


13-04-16, 19:59
the tingling is a very common anxiety symptom, along with a huge number of others!
I think sometimes we have to pause and put ourselves in the Drs shoes, if we go into a consultation demanding tests this is really saying that you think your dr is completely useless at their job and you don't believe a word they say, this obviously annoys them so they are even less likely to be sympathetic.
On way is to ask if there is anything they can do to give you some peace of mind and maybe ask then about any tests but with a questioning expression not a demanding one. If the Dr really really thinks tests are unecessary then ask for them to explain why they think its unecessary and sometimes having an explanation can be enough.

13-04-16, 23:41
Ok thanks, the listening to my chest for a minute works for awhile but I always resort back to thinking the worst and that they couldn't possibly give me a clean bill of health with that.

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:10 ----------

Well this visit went much better. Lady doctor this time who was very understanding and explained things great. Listened to heart and said it sounded great and also have me an EKG which she said was great. Had me do blood work to check my CBC and cholesterol and blood sugar and such so now I just a little anxious waiting for that but it should be Friday. Also told me not to take the Xanax the previous doctor prescribed unless absolutely had to but not a whole one either. Gave me 2 prescriptions as well, 1 that is supposed to help me sleep at night and another that will work with seratonin levels but also said we may need to adjust or alter just see how it works as everyone is different. Left there feeling better and hoping it will last and that my labs come back good. Guess we'll see. Also referred me to some counselors to talk about all this kind of stuff.

14-04-16, 00:45
That's a positive step in the right direction! Good going!

Positive thoughts

14-04-16, 00:50
Thanks, she seemed to know how to help with all the fears and anxieties I've been having. She didn't really have to do the EKG but she knew it would ease my mind some. Glad to make a step in the right direction because it's been seeming like every step has gone the wrong way.

15-04-16, 19:39
Little update on my anxiety and tests. Been worried sick about my full blood work I had done Wednesday. Well, they called today and told me everything was great, all well in there normal ranges. It's amazing how a little closure on some of our anxieties can be such a relief. I don't think I could have made it through the weekend if they hadn't come in yet and it would have been all for nothing. I appreciate any support given and can't wait to continue to help others here that have these same issues as me. Until finding this site I never knew so many people battle the same things I do.

dizzy daisy
16-04-16, 11:30
Well done netminder. I'm alway nervous when they ask for bloods as I always think they will show something awful and so I'm a wreck waiting. Like you I was brave enough to have them done recently and I'm glad I did it. Like you say it can just help to offer you some kind of closure xxxx

16-04-16, 12:02
the tingling is a very common anxiety symptom, along with a huge number of others!
I think sometimes we have to pause and put ourselves in the Drs shoes, if we go into a consultation demanding tests this is really saying that you think your dr is completely useless at their job and you don't believe a word they say, this obviously annoys them so they are even less likely to be sympathetic.
On way is to ask if there is anything they can do to give you some peace of mind and maybe ask then about any tests but with a questioning expression not a demanding one. If the Dr really really thinks tests are unecessary then ask for them to explain why they think its unecessary and sometimes having an explanation can be enough.

Love this, we rely so much on tests and never really ask the right questions, so very often I've left a consultation thinking I wish I'd ask why he's so certain I don't have x, y and z.