View Full Version : sigh i hate this

07-03-07, 16:55
man i hate this battle i have with my head everyday trying to reasure myself everytime i get used to a pain anouther appear which sets me off i went out 2 a lesson at collage feeling great telling myself i will be stronger and i will ignore this so i dont get worked up im 19 for goodness sake i should be worrying about heart desease at 40 odd i eat perfectly hardly any saturates ive been montored by my docter on a machine blood pressure and calestoral taken im fine its all cos my dad died in may last year and ive been fearing this since its heredatery sigh i guess im worryed now that stress will kill me sigh damn...
i know im fine i get used to it and bam a new pain will set me off cos i had a pain in my back i thought im dieing cos i read on here that some1s husband had a heart attack and it started in there back,
half way home i think to myself wait did laura (my girlfriend) say she found a knot in my back a week ago then i thought you ideot sigh i hate getting worked up what can i do im reciveing counciling btw.

07-03-07, 21:31
i need some help please please reply i need some for of reasureance ive been waiting for an answer all day :( sorry im desperate

07-03-07, 22:59
I do understand how you feel Deamond, it's horrible, I go through the same things myself ( except my symptoms and fears are different, but the results the same). If your doc has checked you out, you are fine and you have nothing to worry about. Why not go back to the doc and tell him/her how scared you are, they will understand why, and ask for some help for your anxiety. Talking to someone really helps, even if they can't help you in any other way, just saying how scared you are is a big help. As time goes on, you will find that things get better. Yes these things can be hereditary, but at your age, nothing much should have happened yet, just keep yourself healthy, keep getting checked by the doc, and if anything does turn up, it can be sorted out before it gets too bad.
A big hug for you Deamond, and keep going, it will get better.

07-03-07, 23:07
Have you read the webiste pages atall?