View Full Version : Forehead Sensitive To The Touch And Hurting The Last Few Days. Brain Swelling?

14-04-16, 04:50
I have had a headache off and on for the last few days while traveling and I sleep and wake up dizzy. I am worried that it might be brain swelling or high altitude hypoxia as we have been traveling through some high altitudes and this can be a result of it.

My head is sensitive to the touch right in the center of it and its just weird because this is one symptom of brain swelling and also dizziness and fatigue.

Its like a pressure off and on but not really fever but really tired. Also I was wondering if this could be tension or eye stain causing all this. Anyone ever have pain in the forehead that is sensitive to touch ? Or is this a type of anxiety or stress thing? Thanks in advance for your reply

14-04-16, 08:04
Perhaps it's a tension thing? Lots of stress on you at the moment. Eye strain when driving for a long time maybe? Hopefully others can help but the way I tend to look at this is if someone is raising thread after thread of killer conditions, I tend to think anxiety because how unlikely we would be to have all these things in our lives let alone in such a short succession of time.

Like before, you've never had things happen, just worry about them. Whilst perhaps this could be a symptom of hypoxia, what else could it be a symptom of and how common and likely is the lesser issue? A headache or tension can be very common, and you have reasons to have those. How common is hypoxia due to altitude? Probably not driving through areas that thousands of people travel through but more a possibility for someone up a mountain in a high altitude area climbing it.

14-04-16, 09:08
This is your health anxiety trying to take over mnaha.

The centre of the forehead is the stress point on the head.
And what have your been? Stressed!!!
It is perfectly harmless and you just need to rest, sleep and it will fade.
I get it a lot. I have had it where it is burning and feels like I have been in a fire and too delicate to touch. Please don't think it is anything more.
I know what you are putting yourself through and it is only natural that the body will react in someway. The dizziness is a reoccurring anxiety a symptom when we are nervous, overtired and frightened.
Try not to give yourself unnecessary problems by thinking it is something more.
Keep your forehead cool, but not cold. Maybe a cold cloth for a few minutes from time to time. And of course, sleep. :)

15-04-16, 01:18
Perhaps it's a tension thing? Lots of stress on you at the moment. Eye strain when driving for a long time maybe? Hopefully others can help but the way I tend to look at this is if someone is raising thread after thread of killer conditions, I tend to think anxiety because how unlikely we would be to have all these things in our lives let alone in such a short succession of time.

Like before, you've never had things happen, just worry about them. Whilst perhaps this could be a symptom of hypoxia, what else could it be a symptom of and how common and likely is the lesser issue? A headache or tension can be very common, and you have reasons to have those. How common is hypoxia due to altitude? Probably not driving through areas that thousands of people travel through but more a possibility for someone up a mountain in a high altitude area climbing it.

Terry , I think that its probably eye strain and tension not high altitude. I did some more research and they were talking about a mountain range out of the city not the city and said that we were at a comfortable deep breathing altitude so with that being said .. we did cross some high mountain passes but we never had issues with driving through mountain passes and really we have stayed in some rather high altitude places with no issues so hopefully we aren't vulnerable to that .

Sorry about the thread after thread of killer diseases.. I am 61 and paranoid because everything you read and even on here people post about things about something would not affect a person unless they are over 60....Is that enough to make you paranoid or ? Anyway I apologize if I have been annoying and did not mean any malice but will try to keep my post to a minimum in the future. Thank you again for everything.

15-04-16, 01:27
I just posted on your other thread. It's quite apparent you're spiraling and its to be expected considering your history and current circumstances. Breathe... All will be well after things settle down :)

Positive thoughts

15-04-16, 01:33
Carnation, yeah, I know.. its probably the health anxiety....:-(....worry is my middle name I suppose....Thank you for your kind words and once again your support...I will keep that in mind about the stress.Wow sounds like you really have it bad....so sorry..I dont mean to whine . The cold compress about the dizziness information helps alot. We are going to try to relax here for the next few days and try to be as positive as we can and think about what you and others have said. I am trying so very hard and things seem to be better and hopefully they will be. Thanks again for everything. Michael