View Full Version : Health Anxiety: Ingrown Toenail Post Op

14-04-16, 08:56
Hi there everyone! So this is my first post here on the forums and I am pretty new...but seeing how supportive everyone here is made me want to be involved more! I tend to be pretty hyper and cheerful....but man this anxiety thing hit me hard.

First of all, I am currently taking 50 mg of Setraline a day, and have Alprazolam at hand for whenever I have those sleepless nights which are very rare.

Anyways...for me it started with this ingrown toenail of mine on my big left toe. I made the mistake of trying to dig it out thinking it was this tiny little thing and failed tremendously...so I went to the urgent care. The provider gave it a look and said she had to take it out and that it had a infection. Gave me 6 shots to numb my toe and pulled it out. I was okay with all that since I've never been one to fear that kinda stuff. She had taken off half my toenail, used some silver nitrate for the bleeding, prescribed the antibiotics and bam done....or so I thought.

I went in 7 days later cause I had a rather minor side effect from the antibiotics (which is gone now by the way :) ). She took a look at my toe and said it was looking a lot better and that the infection was smaller but still there. She switched me over to another antibiotic for 10 days ( Day 4 as of now) and sent me on my way. This is when my anxiety kicked in...

I noticed that there was very minor drainage from the wound and it was a little yellowish in color. The skin around my toe, though everyone has said it looks better, is still a little reddish and has my mind screaming infection over and over...and of course it also comes up with worse case scenarios. They told me to soak in Epsom salt and to make sure it is always completely dry afterwards, but it is always moist in this one area no bigger than the tip of a needle. So of course my whole focus is on that!

So yeah...this is what gets me all anxious. Thinking this Cellulitis which is actually very common will evolve into something massive and get into my bloodstream. That my infection won't go away, even though it has only been like 10 days since the procedure. And that that strip of silver nitrate that is still there won't allow my skin to heal. Funny how it all adds up right?

Yet here is some stuff that helps me kinda pull myself out of this dark pit of anxiety:

1.) It doesn't hurt like before at all.

2.) It is kind of itchy..which is usually a sign of healing.

3.) The leakage I spoke of isn't white or anything that would say it's 'badly' infected.

So yeah...I still have a few days to go and I am pretty sure my mind is just making a bigger deal out of this than it seems...but still this anxiety sucks!

Edit: I didn't get the matrix removed so it will grow back. I'll just have to make sure to take better care of how I cut my toe nails.