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14-04-16, 11:26
Does anyone else constantly shake? Like no matter what your doing?
I'm not feeling particularly anxious but I'm shaking like a leaf.
Been like this for weeks.
I know it can be an anxiety symptom but i didn't imagine it would be constant!
I'm feeling fine other than this and my anxiety seems to be very mild after my Drs apt yesterday!
Any tips on how to control it or atleast forget about it xxx

14-04-16, 11:44
This is just my opinion and it takes some doing, but if you can just accept it and not give it too much attention, it will lose its hold.

I still shake from time to time but once I got my head around the fact it couldn't hurt me, I stopped worrying about it. It always goes away in the end.

Plus, you may not feel anxious, but your body could still be primed for fight-or-flight and in anxious mode. Seeking help for your anxiety could address the shaking issue and any others you have.

14-04-16, 12:00
Hi & thank you for replying!
Yeh I'm trying to just accept it because as far as I'm aware shaking isn't necessarily a sign of something bad,
I'm not worried about my brain and shaking, if an issue is usually connected to the brain.

I'm just going with it and if it becomes more of an issue I'll see the dr, I'm actually feeling really good today and I'm not going to let a little bit of shaking get me down.
I guess I posted for a little bit of reassurance and you gave me it so thanks xx

14-04-16, 12:38
You said in your opening post you had a doctors appointment yesterday - did you mention the shaking? If your doctor isn't worried then you needn't be either.

Shaking and twitching is one of those things where we suffer more by creating ideas and stories around it. For example, I was aware of myself twitching at work and wondered who was seeing it and who was judging me for it. I got home convinced I was destined to twitch forever more, which led to more twitching and more suffering. Then I just let it go. I stopped worrying what others though and let myself shake. I can honestly say this symptom hasn't fazed me since.

14-04-16, 13:20
Yes I did mention it and she said it was nothing to worry about, but you know how the mind plays tricks on us!

I guess it is worse when I concentrate on it, I'm trying to ignore it the best I can and just accept it. Hopefully then it will go away or I will at least learn to ignore it!

Thanks for the advice. X