View Full Version : In need of advice for long term anxiety.

14-04-16, 14:03
I'm new on here. I'm not new to anxiety however, I've struggled with it on and off for about 12 years. I've had medication in the past and counselling and CBT,With varying levels of success. My anxiety has returned and it's pretty bad, I have terrible dizziness daily that can last hours.
I'm pretty desperate now for help and am due to see my doctor on Friday. I expect he will try to prescribe antidepressants as is the norm. I don't know whether to try medication again as I found the side effects pretty horrible.
I suppose what I would like is some advice as to how to get the most of of my appointment and whether people have had any specific medication that has helped massively with minimal side effects.



14-04-16, 19:41
There are lots of different anti depressants, some work for others and dont for others, if you've had no joy before, trying a different one may help

15-04-16, 07:00
I have my appointment today so will go there with an open mind I guess. I have been trying to avoid medication for so long but I am that desperate to feel some normality that I'm willing to give it another go! I suppose I was, like many others hoping there was a miracle cure.

15-04-16, 07:18
Sometimes medication can help. It has me and then I stopped taking it because I thought I was ok and things went back to me having anxiety etc.. I know you don't like medication and you have negative feelings about it but sometimes it can correct the chemicals in our bodies and make things better. I am not trying to push that on you but personally I have found if I would have stayed on it long term it would have been better. I am 61 and have been fighting what you are for almost all my life.. Think about what I said but do what you think is best. Good luck to you and hope you feel better soon.

15-04-16, 09:08
I have my appointment today so will go there with an open mind I guess. I have been trying to avoid medication for so long but I am that desperate to feel some normality that I'm willing to give it another go! I suppose I was, like many others hoping there was a miracle cure.

Let us know how it goes

15-04-16, 13:25
My anxiety recently returned after 12 years too. I went down the medication route but citalopram ended up making me feel a million times worse then i did to start with. I stopped taking them after 5 days and am now med free and dealing with it alone. I do have propanolol and i take that as and when and kalms if im feeling anxious. Meds work for some and others it dont. Its up to you what route you go down.

15-04-16, 19:40
I've been given a prescription for Fluoxetine but I'm still unsure if it's the right thing for me. I've also been recommended to go back for counselling which I found better for me. Maybe I will hold off with the meds until I've been to some counselling.

15-04-16, 20:37
Meds is a personal thing. Some need them some dont. My anxiety was very mild till i started the citalopram then it wen sky high i didnt eat or sleep for 5 nights was constantly shaking and felt terrible. Not everyone gets side effects i was unfortunate to get most of the side effects you can get. Do whats best for you.

15-04-16, 21:18
I remember the unpleasant side effects and awful withdrawal more than the benefits. Has anyone had success with more natural remedies?

16-04-16, 21:57
I take kalms. They are ok for mild anxiety

16-04-16, 22:47
Hi , I don't take anti depressants now but I think you have to go into them with all the facts and a positive attitude , I took citalapram four years ago and within ten days had a complete breakdown now I do t want to scare you off because I was very ill prepared for taking them I hadn't slept for a long time so the doc prescribed them he didn't warn me of the side affects or how bad the start up could be had I known it may have been easier , my mistake was not asking for somthing to help calm me down and somthing for sleep in the start up so two weeks of no sleep and new meds messed me up beyond repair I also stopped dead taking them also a bad mistake , I had to start taking them plus zopiclone and diazepam , after a few months I felt tons better and then Weaned back off them , my advice now would be expect it to get worse before it gets better then you are ready for it also you may need the sleeping pills and diazepam for that early period , there is no quick fix but give it time and you will get better , take care .

18-04-16, 12:48
At the minute I'm still holding off with the medication. I work shifts so I'm generally exhausted most days so I don't need anything interfering with what little sleep I get. I'm trying to keep busy as much as I can so that I'm not just stuck with my own thoughts. Music also helps me a lot. I'm hoping I can get some counselling soon as being able to talk to someone that I don't feel is judging me helps. I guess I'm holding off the meds because I don't want to feel like I have succumbed to my anxiety. I know that sounds silly but I don't want to feel like I've let my anxiety 'win'. It's a vicious circle in a sense.

18-04-16, 14:22
I was on meds for the best part of ten years and then decided to try a different route.

I know it's different for everyone but for me I've had more success since I stopped taking the medication.

I think because I've had to be more involved in my recovery. I've done loads of research and I have to really thnk about my situation now which has helped me to feel more in control. I don't like the idea of relying completely on a little pill when I have no idea what it's actually doing to me.
There's a lot you can do. Such as watching your diet, a healthier lifestyle, exercise, meditation, research.
You said you'd tried CBT so why not try these exercises again.
Why not change your whole approach to the problem.