View Full Version : how bad is your anxiety?

14-04-16, 16:23
How bad do you get anxiety and how long doe sit affect you for? and is it certain times and places you have it?

my anxiety comes a few months here and there never constant, i always seem to get my bouts of anxiety in work very rarely out of work, its as if im terrified of all these symptoms i worry about like dizziness and my heart in work , once im home i feel a lot better.

14-04-16, 22:15
I have some form of anxiety everyday. The past 6-8 weeks ive had a very bad flare up of health anxiety, this week in particular with at least 3 panic sttacks a day. I hate being alone, i have a 3 year old so my big fesr is something happens to me which makes everything worse. I had managed to get off medication but think i might need to go back on

14-04-16, 22:30
I've had anxiety every day for at least 7 years, i do have phases(months) where it is far better and less physical symptoms, stressful life situations cause it to worsen, Winter is a bad time for my anxiety generally for some reason.

In the day my anxiety is far worse morning and night/bedtime than during the day time

15-04-16, 09:59
I would say mines is very much health anxiety these days , i worry about my heart a lot probably since my grandad took a heart attack about 12-13 years ago he's fine now but i've always worried about that since also i worry about brain anyuerysms a lot these days where it never used to bother me until i started getting lightheaded and dizziness

15-04-16, 10:08
Pretty severe.
I have physical symptoms everyday. Worse at certain times. Better at night. I've had almost every anxiety symptom but am left with burning, tingling, twitching, nerve pain shooting from my neck to my head. Etc.

15-04-16, 11:35
Mine comes and goes-it's worse when I'm on my own with time to think (which is a lot since my son was born). I never had time to worry like this when I was in work, and no dependents to leave alone :-(

Samantha choc lover
15-04-16, 11:53
Hi dmc

Anxiety is horrible, i first started to suffer with it at the age of ten. I'm now 41. The older i get the more i seem to be able to deal with it. I think that's probably more to do with the fact that i've experienced quite alot of negative in my life and have just got to the stage at times, where i'm past caring about my anxiety. I used to find i went through phases with it. Winter was always worse, summer seemed to bring rest from it. The fact is the more attention you pay to the symptoms of anxiety, the more it persists. I know it's not easy, believe me!, meds help me alot. Also reading up on it.Somebody posted about a book on here the other week, It's called "self help for your nerves". By dr Claire Weekes. I have found it excellent in helping in the understanding and overcoming anxiety. But there are others out there. Knowledge is power, so my doc told me. Good luck x

15-04-16, 13:14
when I have it it's really bad, and can stick around for weeks, then suddenly lift and feel normal for a spell until it rears its head again. It is horrible when I have it. Almost a constant knot in my stomach, feel down, tense, sick feeling, tiredness. all day long I hate it

15-04-16, 15:30
Mine has been on for the last month pretty much. I get periods during the day that it can go away but it's mostly there. Usually feel my best at night and evening, so much that I don't even want to go to bed because I know when I wake up I will be anxious.

15-04-16, 16:35
Mine has been on for the last month pretty much. I get periods during the day that it can go away but it's mostly there. Usually feel my best at night and evening, so much that I don't even want to go to bed because I know when I wake up I will be anxious.

I get that also, the anxiety is less in the evenings, its horrible when wake up and it is back with a vengence

16-04-16, 10:39
Every day there is some level of anxiety for me which can be in the form of my OCD, panic attacks or GAD. GAD is the lowest of them all at the moment and has been for a while. OCD affects me every minute of the day and governs what I say, what I eat, what I do, what I think and panic attacks still affect me every day but I don't get massive ones that often now - maybe about once a month though this week I have had a few since my mum's wedding was coming up and I was nervous as sin for it but not that it is over, the panics are lessening. My depression affects me every day too.

I have had OCD all my life and then panics for about 4 years. I go through major setbacks now maybe every 6 months whereas in the past, it was a setback nearly every fortnight or month.

18-04-16, 11:21
i get it mostly at work and also feel more relaxed in the evenings for soem reason

18-04-16, 12:56
Some days it can be the only thing I think about, other days it can be like an annoying friend.

Sometimes I even see it a a positive seeing as I have eat well now, exercise regularly and despite having anxiety I would say my mental health elsewhere has improved massively due to mindfulness, understanding my brain more.

18-04-16, 13:47
I feel as though mine has has switched from a cute to chronic in the last 3 months. I had my first panic attack on Christmas Day seemingly from nowhere. I got over it and didn't let it bother me so life went back to normal. Then I had a second one in March, again, seemingly from nowhere. That's when I started to think "Oh shit. This is here to stay" and I haven't had a panic attack since but I'm so acutely aware of changes in my body, twinges, pains, aches etc and I can't seem to shake it off. I'm hoping that if I work hard to simply stop focussing on them, I can get back to "normal". I'm not void of hope but I do find it tiresome and a huge pain in the arse.

18-04-16, 14:11
Every day, but at different levels depending on circumstances such as health issues. My mind seems to do a search each morning in order to find something to panic about. It's a habit.

19-04-16, 18:12
Actually I not sure how bad is my anxiety right now. But it seem to be like getting worse.. I first having my attack when I was 22 & I'm 28 (female) now. Went to see psychology before but I can take it the side effect of the med so I decided stop taking anymore. Past few year everything seem to be controllable even my psychiatrist say so too.. But thing starts to change recently.. I start chest pain went to ecg X-ray test maybe on last December results out doctors said everything is okay.. But till now I still having chest pain everyday.. Keep feeling breatheless and numb on my head... I can't control my temper, I get angry easily.. I feel Nausea even when I just woke up haven even started to eat anything yet.. & Noise pollution also will irritate me.. When I go places wif a lot of crowd I will also will have Social anxiety.. Does anyone have such problem too??? Can lead me watt to do next? I wanna back normal life... Please help...

20-04-16, 06:50
Well i dont have severe anxiety but i have one thats afect me long term for many years .I was had an unhappy childhood and live many trauma and develop bad habits negativity and anxiety .My anxiety just dont let me to be happy

20-04-16, 13:02
For the past few years I still can manage well.. It's happend last year I started to have chest pain, chest uncomfortable it really mess up my life totally..

22-04-16, 12:17
It's bad in my opinion. Everything I feel I immediately think the worst is happening. I've had a couple of anxiety attacks one while I was driving!!!
All these recent celebrity passing are not making it better. I can't watch TV because I'm more focused and aware of all the health commercials, especially the cancer ones. It also seems like someone on shows that I watch is dying or has an illness.

22-04-16, 18:52
It's bad in my opinion. Everything I feel I immediately think the worst is happening. I've had a couple of anxiety attacks one while I was driving!!!
All these recent celebrity passing are not making it better. I can't watch TV because I'm more focused and aware of all the health commercials, especially the cancer ones. It also seems like someone on shows that I watch is dying or has an illness.

I have similar issue too😞😞😞😞

23-04-16, 14:27
I also wanted to add that I'm so afraid if something happening to me in public I rarely go out anymore.