View Full Version : Fear of all medical proceedures

14-04-16, 17:21
This is my biggy, I have world worst white coat syndrome.

I have a very damaged spine with alot of herniated discs from top to bottom and for past 6 weeks have had my lumbar spine sieze up twice where I cannot move for days and have had permanent nerve pain in left side of back and down leg to foot.
My Gp is sending me for yet another mri scan ( I hate them and suffer awful panic in the scanner even with a high dose of diazepam) and he says if the scan shows one of my discs has badly herniated then I will need to see surgeon, if its same result as my last scan then the options are strong drugs for nerve pain and or spinal injections etc.
Up to now I have managed to avoid any intervention with my spine out of fear and I have been able to live with the pain and disability but this nerve pain is very hard to live with so I may have to actually do something.

Does anyone else have such a fear of anything being done to them medically?
I also have huge fear of drugs!

14-04-16, 17:59
Yep! Going to doctor today...hate it!

15-04-16, 01:32
Ever consider a chiropractor?