View Full Version : The way I look at things

07-03-07, 18:09
One of the biggest things for me is that I step outside my front door every morning and I immediately visualise myself on the planet or in the universe and I feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the world. My anxiety is pretty bad in open spaces because I think about all the earth underneath my feet and things like 'I'm looking down the planet...I could fall all that way!'.

I presume that most 'normal' people just think of the here and now and, even though they consciously know that the world is round, they think about being on 'the flat' and it doesn't really occur to them too much to think about what's under their feet. I've had some awful panic attacks while driving quite simply because I've pictured myself driving up the sheer face of the earth...so, for me, driving even a short distance is psychologically like climbing the biggest mountain.

I used to think as if I was 'on the flat', but however much I try to calm myself and to think about things in those terms again, alarm bells keep going off in my head, screaming 'oh my god, get me off this planet!'.

I have also suffered from dp for a number of years, although it seems to (very) gradually be getting better. I do find it very difficult to accept 'life' though. I'm constantly asking 'where did we come from?', 'why are we here?', 'whose rules are we living by?'.

Recently, I started a new job and, even though I enjoy it, I think that the stress and exhaustion have caused me to take a bit of a backwards step. I've been feeling pretty awful for the last couple of weeks. On my first day, I felt so panicky that I wanted to run out of the building screaming and crying my eyes out. I really felt like I needed hospitalising and tranquilising. Hopefully, I'll relax into the job.