View Full Version : Quiet Life tablets

14-04-16, 17:58
I have Emetophobia the phobia of being sick (I haven't posted in that section as it doesn't seem to get a lot of replies!) and it's got to the point I am panicking all day every day. I have just taken two Quiet life tablets with a snack bar as I can't eat much due to anxiety at the moment then I read on here of one person saying it made them sick! I would rather die then be sick. Can someone assure me with positive stories of Quiet life please - please no horror stories. Is it likely to make me sick or is this usually due to allergies (as its not listed as a side effect) do you imagine I will be okay? I took them a few years ago I'm sure but now I'm worried they might effect me this time. I hope not. i won't get conventional medicine as I am petrified of side effects so thought I'd try herbal but I probably won't take Quiet life again now after reading that one negative review and I am going to be panicking all night now.. I'm at a loss at what to do. I'm already so up a height with anxiety.. Don't need worrying about taking Quiet life tablets on top of it.. Hope I'm not one of those rare people who get sick off it.. Hoping I'll be fine. Please any one who can assure me and give positive reviews of these tablets - please do! Also it sounds stupid but at the till buying Quiet life I had the option of Kalms or Quiet life and my heart was saying kalms think its cause they are more well known and I had anxieties and worries about Quiet life... Now I am worried it was intuition (I know sounds stupid but I worry like this) telling me not to take Quiet life as something bad'll happen. I really really hope not and I'll be just fine... Please someone offer me assurance here as I'm pretty scared... Hope I won't be sick :weep:

14-04-16, 19:47
What have they got in them?

14-04-16, 23:11
Hi , most herbal tablets do very little I've tried a few and didn't realy feel any affect maybe a placebo effect which is no bad think , took some kalms earlier just because they were there I don't feel sick and they haven't upset my stomach , the only thing likely to get you feeling that way is worrying to much it might happen , have a glass of water and find something to distract you from overthinking about what could happen it's not going to , what I've read mostley says don't work waste of money you have just found the one coment you didn't want to , take care .

16-04-16, 13:31
Hi, Have you tried cyclizine? (A prescription only medicine from your GP)

I only ask because my dr prescribed them for me to combat the nausea that often accompanies the start up of SSRI's. I find not only do they completely quell the nausea but they give you a nice warm fuzzy feeling too and seem to really dampen down my anxiety.