View Full Version : Can't sleep anymore, panicking, shivering... Help.

14-04-16, 18:16
Hello everyone,

Hopefully someone can offer me some advice. I'm absolutely at my wits ends with this...

It was my stag do recently and unfortunately that meant a fair bit of booze, a complete lack of sleep and too much sunshine.

We were away for just a few nights, returned on Tuesday afternoon. However, the first night home I felt exhausted as to be expected but when I went to bed my mind was racing... I am an anxious person anyway so I put this down to too much booze, noise, etc over the past few days and just tried to cope with the problem... Every time my body put me to sleep and I could feel myself sinking into my pillow... My brain woke me up panicking, almost as if something awful was in the room... I'd felt this kind of thing but usually it fades after a few hours - this time it didn't. I spent all night seeing things, jolting my body, heart racing right through until morning...

I was extremely tired yesterday and spent the day worrying about how awful my lack of sleep was making me feel. I tried everything in my power to ensure last night's sleep might have gotten me back on track... But the same happened again, only this time even worse :(

Every time I feel that sinking sensation, as if drifting off, I begin to panic, my heart races and I can hear noises in my head. I've become so scared about my lack of sleep and extreme need for it that I just can't do it now.

I'm petrified of going to bed tonight because I fear the feeling when my heart has palpitations and I'm sweating and shaking. I haven't slept properly now for days and my body is unwilling to sleep to allow me the recovery I need. I can't even drive my car or go for a run because I feel so dizzy and disorientated by the tiredness.

I've become an emotional mess. I can barely watch TV without crying I'm so scared and exhausted.

Can anybody offer me any ideas as to what's going on or anything I can do to help? Or even just relate to the feelings?


14-04-16, 19:02
I so sympathise. I would go to see your GP, explain and ask for a few sleeping tablets to help you right now. I know well how it feels to be deprived of sleep like you are; I just get very anxious, think catastrophic thoughts and feel ill. Once you've had a night's sleep you can try to work out what caused the problem and find out about how to help avoid it. There are so many non drug ways to help with insomnia. I've found acupuncture a big help, for instance.
Right now it's hard to think straight and easy to convince yourself you'll never sleep again.
I'll be thinking of you.

14-04-16, 21:39
I wish I could be of more help but I had my own sleep issues. I barely got any sleep last night. I doze off then wake up startled. Then the anxiety got so bad I getting chills which turned into crying and my teeth started to chatter.