View Full Version : My Citalopram story. So far...

14-04-16, 18:51
Hi all
This is my first post on a forum but I want to do it to see if it can help anyone that finds themselves in a similar position.
I'm a 40 something bloke who's always been fit, healthy and happy. I love my job but it does expose me to some darker sides of life both here and overseas. About 5 years ago I started experiencing mild anxiety but was able to put it to one side and found exercise a real help. I've run a number of half and full marathons over this time and always had something to train for.
This time last year I got injured at work which put me off my feet for 6 months. As I was on the mend I got a nasty stomach bug which I think has brought on a case of IBS which I'm still struggling with. Then before Xmas I got a chest infection with bowled me over again but more importantly put me into a state of depression and anxiety. I tried everything I could to get myself out of it but couldn't, it started taking over.
Eventually I did ask for help, which was a big thing for me! I was diagnosed very quickly with clinical depression and told to go on 20mg Citalopram. This was an even bigger thing for me but the psychologist insisted that I needed it. I held off and suffered for 2 weeks before I finally gave in and took them.
From the first day my anxiety went through the roof and this lasted for 4 weeks. I don't mind saying it was tough and I started reading these forums looking for hope but everyone seemed to be saying the same thing.
After 8 weeks I did start noticing a difference and so did the people around me.
I'm now coming up to 11 weeks and I'm quite surprised how much I've changed. I am receiving CBT once a week which I'm hoping will make the change permanent. I still and having stomach issues but I'm able to cope with them without spiralling into panic. I'm back running again and have signed up for another marathon. Although I know the dark places are still there but I am feeling a lot more positive and almost ready to start tackling them.
I know this is long but if anyone is as anxious as I was about asking for help and then taking medication please don't be. I wish I'd done it years ago.

14-04-16, 20:38
Welcome!!! Thank you for your story and glad to hear you are staring to feel like yourself again. Gives us all inspiration and motivation :D

14-04-16, 21:28
Hi Jimmy. Thank you for your inspiring story, and very well done on your recovery! It gives me hope to read that others have fought the battle and won, especially as I'm having a really rough ride with the side effects at the moment.

Welcome to the forum too of course :welcome:

14-04-16, 23:36
Thanks both. I don't think I've won but the citalopram and CBT has really helped get me to a place where I can start recovery. I think I completely underestimated just how much depression can effect you. I've always been very strong minded and willed but this nearly broke me. I couldn't have even started to make a recovery without help and I know I'm going to need a lot more but I am now thinking I can beat this. With time!!

15-04-16, 09:58
Lovely to read a positive post Jimmy, thanks for sharing. Knowing that you can beat it is half the battle & I wish you lots of luck on your road to recovery!

15-04-16, 11:23
So glad you are feeling much better, I have taken Citalopram three times and stupidly allowed my doctor to take me off it resulting in reoccurring anxiety/depression. I get really bad start up effects too so tried various other meds that never helped at all, so have been prescribed Citalopram again but I have had it three weeks now and just feel too scared to go for it! But my depression is getting worse everyday so have thought about just taking tiny bits of the pill until I build myself up to the max dose hoping that might help, but will slow things down too. It never quite works for me after a couple of months, more like 4 but the start up effects are horrific and I normally have Lorazepam to help which my GP will no longer prescribe so feel stuck, but this post has helped me a lot today when I know this meds really helps me long term xxxx

15-04-16, 12:25
Well done Jimmy, I'm also a 40 something bloke who's fit and very active.

I recently did the Spring Wolf Run which was surprisingly tough (especially considering my depression and anxiety) but great fun apart from swallowing some water and getting a tummy bug!!! and I've done the London Marathon before. I gym regularly so my body is fit and healthy but unfortunately my mental health leaves a lot to be desired! It's amazing how much anxiety and depression can devastate your life and unless you have suffered you cannot possibly understand. It sounds like you are well on the road to recovery and thanks for sharing your story, its great to hear positive news.

