View Full Version : Losing My Mind 😞

14-04-16, 19:40
Hi All,

So I've been lurking around the forum for a while, but have just decided to post as I feel I'm honestly losing control :(

So a little background info about me. I'm 25 years old, have a loving family and a very supportive husband. For as long as I can remember I've been a worrier. I worry about anything and everything. I had some self esteem issues during secondary school and I feel my anxiety has spiralled from there. I've never had any serious health issues before, however I do remember having a rough time during my second year of uni. I was having some personal problems and on top of that I had several exams coming up. I went through a horrible bout of insomnia for months. It was like a vicious circle, because I would Google hoping to find answers but it would just get worse. I don't actually remember having a full nights sleep for about 4 months. Anyways I eventually got over that, although I was convinced I had some sort of vitamin deficiency and pestered my doctor for a blood test. It came back normal.

Fast forward a couple of years and I was just about to get married. A few months before my wedding I developed chest pains and found it difficult to breathe. I was again convinced something serious was going on. It got so bad one night that I ended up in A and E. Various tests were conducted and everything came back normal. The chest pain resolved a few weeks later.

My next bit of health problems arose a few months after marriage. Due to some financial issues we were living with my husband parents. Although my in laws were very supportive, I found the whole thing a bit overwhelming. Anyways it all started with a bout of constipation, I didn't think anything of it because I've always had a bit of a funny tummy. But I started to worry as the constipation didn't resolve and was still there a few weeks later along with pain. So what did I do... I started to Google ( I know I really shouldn't have!). Anyway, I suffered severe anxiety be used of this. I went to the doctors so often, but every test would come back normal. I used to cry every night wishing I could feel normal again. My husband was so supportive reassuring me that my anxiety is getting the better of me. A few weeks had passed and one night I developed severe pelvic pains, I never felt pains like that before. I ended up in a&e and ended up staying 2 nights there. They again did various tests and an ultrasound which showed a cyst on my ovary. The doctor said that the cyst could have been the cause of the pain and I had a follow up scan a few weeks later and the cyst had gone. During this time my constipation still hasn't resolved and the doctor said I may have IBS. I tried everything, medications, home remedies etc but nothing helped. During this time we were also in the process of looking for our own place to buy. The stress of that was also a lot for me and I used to get very down. Miraculously my digestion issues resolved when I started my first full time job. I had a great 2 and a half years with hardly any issues and pretty much stress free.

So the problem I'm having at present. Since January this year I have been having pelvic pains. I also had a late period and some spotting before my period. Needless to say I thought I was pregnant, as we have been trying for a few months. However the test was negative. Anyways I woke one morning with severe pelvic pains and ended up in hospital. They did some tests but nothing was found. A few weeks later the same thing happened and again I ended up in hospital. This time they performed an ultrasound and found that I was having a 4 cm bleeding cyst. Doctor said it doesn't look serious and should resolve in a few weeks. During this time I again developed digestive problems such as constipation and on some occasions diahrrea, loss of appetite, bloating, feeling full quickly, bad back pain and fatigue. I again started googling :weep:. This kicked in my HA again and I came across various cancers. The one that I seem to focus on is ovarian or bowel cancer. Day and night I think what if the numerous tests have missed something. I keep crying at the thought of having some sort of terminal illness. My husband is again being very supportive, but I feel so guilty as he shouldn't have to go through all of this. I missed quite a few days of work, but when I am at work I secretly start googling again. If I come across some article in the news about cancer I immediately start googling for the symptoms. The doctor has done a few blood tests that have come back normal, including celiac disease. The only thing was that I have a vitamin d deficiency.

I just don't know what to think anymore :(. The constant pelvic pain and digestive issues are still here and I just don't feel like eating anything. As a result I have lost about 4kg in the space of two months. This also adds to my anxiety.

I wake up feeling anxious and I go to bed feeling anxious. All I want to do is cry and feel normal again. I keep having scary thoughts and I just feel like I can't escape.

Please help!!! :weep::weep:

14-04-16, 22:17
Your stomach issues are related to your anxiety. I had horrendous nausea along with constipation for weeks on end when I was in the thick of a health anxiety breakdown.

14-04-16, 22:24
Sorry you're feeling so rough. You've come to the right place for a natter, everyone here is very honest, helpful and lovely.
I'm the same age as you but not married!

I can assure you the symptoms are related to anxiety. I have been having a rough few days with a concern ive sort of sorted and ive felt light headed, palpitations and headaches. I know these are because im stressing self. If only I was so logical with everything else.

Virtual hugs.

15-04-16, 19:03
Guys, thanks for replying. Really appreciate it :)
It's just difficult trying to keep everything together. I'm now experiencing some spotting for a few days and my period is late. This is all getting too much now. I keep thinking I have some sort of gynaecological cancer and of course I just can't stop googling! The pelvic pain is still there, along with a nagging back pain. Do you think I should ask my doctor for another ultrasound? Could my previous cyst still be causing all these issues?

15-04-16, 20:20
Why wouldnt it be?