View Full Version : Anxiety has returned

14-04-16, 23:06
My anxiety has returned after around six months off or year. I sort of clutch into my OCD worries and this takes my anxiety away as I say in the other contamination thread.

I've had spells like this before so sometimes I need some refreshers for self help and what others do as I forget it all do I'm glued to relaxation CDs to try and calm down as when it comes back it's quite scary more so than OCD that's why I prefer when it's just hand washing or throwing out stuff because it's not a daily issue.

What's triggered it is I moved out six months ago first two months very easy got house great now since the new year I'm dealing with challenging issues and money worries.

*Mostly general work worries which I will explain below..
*I had a two week dose of flu this month not the cold bed flu nightmare and that set my anxiety bad. And in March I had a bug. November I had a quicker dose of flu.
*Had to call both a plumber and electrician so I'm learning quickly about unexpected costs. I'm 27 now so I know about this but it's a new challenge when I work and have to find money and keep a house and have that responsibility have to sort of grow up even more..so this is tough.
*Working with maybe a boss you don't like too much I just try and do my work quietly I feel this is best?
*I wanted a house with a garden so I got one but I thought the work was easy with the home improvements but now it's been hard to get the place as as I want it even though it was nice before. Result was I've had to work slower and do it bit by bit and regret getting a big garden.
*Having a house means I want a car again to carry shopping sadly I gave that up due to anxiety about 5 years ago after failing 4 driving tests.
*Fear changing to a new job as I'm in work 5 years previously had a spell out of work for just six months but hated that as may anxiety was more.
*Have a tidy house but learning about keeping it clean have OCD so I avoid bleach but with getting ants in the house I've had to push on and clean up to keep the place a tad more clean and not just tidy..
*Unexpectedley had to buy a new shed at the cost of £200.
*My girlfiend had her hours reduced so she had to find a new job. She now has one but every job has a trial period and you don't find out until 3 months if you get kept on.
*Also at my work some people had contracts halved or it was simply let go mine is safe for now they say
*Also worried about being 27 pressure of marriage if you have been in a long term marriage. I have to save and that's hard with a house just to afford that in the future.
*Perhaps not seeing friends as much meaning social life or more time in but I guess this has to happen to a degree as you get older. I try and make new friends but it's not a instant fix.
*Worries I maybe have to move house now or future I sit googling houses as I got that habbit house hunting for 2 years anyway..I know it's not helpful now only been here in this new house six months rushed up saving all in a year as previously I never saved money.

Coupes of forum members probably read about these issues in my other thread and it's just worrying me as my job is at risk and mortgage if I don't work. Perhaps general worries and not so much trivial ones I had at say maybe 21 not 27.

So yes perhaps others have had to be like me and do this stuff some of its travail but my anxiety is bad and I feel all tense and panicky or just depressed am saying it will get better again but I get anxiety about anxiety in a sense of more problems come or I have no idea how long this challenging spell can last. Possibly a tough year but I am coping and just trying to focus on doing a good job at work.

So basically just lots of worries and in the space of 4 months it's not been ideal for my anxiety. Anybody got any sort of advice as I'm hoping to get over this blip quickly and get back to working hard. Can't afford holidays or concerts now either so I'm findings a low wage I can only do well little much as I need to save? :blush:

Perhaps nothing to worry about but I'm anxiety prone and half of the worry comes with "what next" "what happens next" and "will it improve soon" these anxiety questions? And perhaps I have done too much home improvements so perhaps this has not been ideal ? Spent loads buying last year to get the house good, spent even more like hundreds possibly more (small ammount OCD) mostly just personal taste the rest. I have had to have it walk in condition for me, and now there's more stuff I want and I now can't afford to :/ I have to have it perfect as me and my girlfiend had people or family say you usually have to start with nothing so I've had to work 50-60 hours a week last year but now I do 24 a week. I mean working that hard as I had to save a few grand in a year as stuff for too much living with parents and renting actually is even more money. But this is partly why as people previously said I couldn't manage or not with anxiety so it pushed me to try harder. So just need some help to sort of keep working hard and stop being anxious or deal with this blip?

Also to add people may wonder why I can't replace the OCD with something else once anxiety isn't there I can't apply myself to a hobby or anything so sometimes I let the OCD sort of rule to keep that anxiety low..not ideal but anxiety sometimes has to be about managing it. I find distraction very tough when my anxiety is say 9/10 or 10/10 now as I sit and worry. So I don't seek more help for OCD or anxiety because just saying anxiety can tigger it I try and live as anxiety free a life as possible. And with some OCD people just putting up with it anxiety levels with OCD are only 5/10. Perhaps people can maybe offer more advice on that too? My anxiety is that bad now I would now be trying to watch a film as it gets so bad I flick through the tv and avoid any triggers for anxiety. So i worry maybe I tried too hard with the house so I need to now maybe relax and appetite the house.

14-04-16, 23:33
Moving to a new home is stressful, especially the first time. You have had to have a lot of work done & deal with problems. You & your GF now also earn less.
Lots of stress.
I cannot offer much advice, but continue with the relaxation CDs. A hot bath can also relax, especially before bedtime. (It works for me!). Perhaps try simple pleasures such as an evening walk, growing your own vegetables, movies on tv. No need to think about marriage until you are at least 30! There's plenty of time:)

15-04-16, 00:08
Also can I please add I my OCD is bad with anxiety as that can be a symptom like more cleaning sadly when by today where they is less stigma I have always found out with these forums. People sort of bully I know i must sound like I'm having a awful time of it but I sit and plan I sort of limit this and in any way hide it. It's more spoken about but many people I am finding sadly have been ignorant. What I do is I don't let it bother me and if I play this down they can't win. Nobody has to be an open book but this is sort of adding to my first post to explain yes I have had some worries, yes I'm prone to anxiety but this is why I feel the need to not seek help and manage it by such strict self help. Back in 2005 when I first got anxiety it was worse but you still don't want to be known as being anxious and I when you work with customers and nerves this is very very tough to hide and I've been feeling like shakey and nervous about this.

So if the anxiety is not bad enough with perhaps social media perhaps it's not ideal to be showing any forms of anxiety and I have to be really strict on how i respond and make sure I don't become too anxious.

So yes it's soo tough. But they bully can never win.

---------- Post added at 00:04 ---------- Previous post was at 00:00 ----------

Moving to a new home is stressful, especially the first time. You have had to have a lot of work done & deal with problems. You & your GF now also earn less.
Lots of stress.
I cannot offer much advice, but continue with the relaxation CDs. A hot bath can also relax, especially before bedtime. (It works for me!). Perhaps try simple pleasures such as an evening walk, growing your own vegetables, movies on tv. No need to think about marriage until you are at least 30! There's plenty of time:)

Yes I know it's just being prone to anxiety and if I show this anxiety sadly yes even in 2016 some will judge I am sure many on here can possibly relate but this is why today we have this forum and it's important at times when you can talk. To even close family I think people don't understand. I tell them everybody is a little anxious, I suffer it as a disorder or not even a stigma word prone to it and anybody can get anxious so basically don't be too tough on me. It's a busy world everybody works and nobody cares so this is why I stay strong and just do what helps my anxiety it's all I can do. Course I can't rule out more therapy but I've had this anxiety had a few times and I battled on like now and tomorrow could be a great week at work and I could be back to just my OCD :blush:

And it sort of doesn't help when people without anxiety would be anxious under circumstances of mortgage and if you are out of work help is more sort of for me to save so it's hard and this was a worry when this came along but it's not that bad yet and there is mortgage insurance. Normal problems so much worse with proper anxiety..

Just trying not to worry but it's hard as I am dodging between trying to relax and I sit and worry more..

And it's not that expensive just unexpected costs meant even my best planning has not covered everyone guess that's my hope I can find perfection from OCD.

Even the way we deal with worry it's only forum social media the old days on here live chat was popular not so much now so I suppose I'm just sort of looking at my old posts for reassurance now.

Update: decided perhaps looking for a new job may have to be an option to relieve my anxiety and it may be the only sort of option try find a secure job just to rid one of my big worries. I was hoping to give it some time but every week people get told hours not there. :( don't need the distribution with changing jobs but I just have to sort of browse job boards and atleast be ready to apply I guess I have taken on a second job before and if I have to just I walked out of that when I was in this one so it was ok so obviously anxiety if I don't like that job. Even thinking maybe a second job and cutting hours back just so I don't find myself out of work if I dislike a job..work in retail so no job is ever safe for forever.

15-04-16, 21:25

Made some quick changes that I think will help things are more calm today did relaxation last night and having a relaxing night so I feel my anxiety has dropped 50% hoping this all just blows over and things get back to normal and less stress over next few days or weeks like previous times. :)

Lesson seems to be not to let the anxiety build and if it does just do what helps my anxiety.

16-04-16, 09:34
Good to read you have become calmer:D

16-04-16, 22:22
Still got anxiety just getting to work through it got a few worries?

Do people notice if your nervous? Just at work I stutter and worry or feel shakey? Do people notice much? If so any advice as I try to relax but when my anxiety is bad sometimes I worry and can't stay relaxed all day?

---------- Post added at 22:22 ---------- Previous post was at 20:24 ----------

Also in trying relaxation as I know that works so I worry over the anxiety then going that I should be feeling anxious? Can anyone relate to this problem?

Some of my worries seem to be easing a bit so I'm worried as I have had anxiety for a while so if it works I worry if that makes sense? Bit of a worry patten for me :blush: not felt this bad for a while with anxiety so I just keep worrying sometimes..I sort of worry that I shouldn't know what to do with anxiety if I do relaxation or the right things? So I keep worrying..sounds silly I know? Is it possible to be more prepared for anxiety? I know I need changes so I hope that doing that will be of some help and not make me more anxious..