View Full Version : Hello everyone I am new

07-03-07, 18:13
Hi my name is Mandy I have suffered from anxiety as long as I can remember even in my childhood which in turn has given me IBS the diarrhea type ! Dr put me on 10mg Citalopram 6 weeks ago and arranged for me to see a psychiatrist who said I suffered from general anxiety and upped my dose to 20mg at first after I took the higher dose I felt worse very panicky and agitated I didnt want to talk to people as I felt anxious and like I wanted to go to the loo all the time. I have now been on 20mg for two weeks and today woke up feeling so much calmer the diarrhea has calmed down infact I am a bit constipated now, but I have let my anxieties take a hold of me and now I cant fly as I dont feel in control and I get claustrophobic just wondered if anyone could help me and also how long can I stay on these AD's as the psychiatrist said I could stay on as long as I liked and I feel I may need them for life just to feel calm, any suggestions would be more than welcome its so nice to read comments from people who feel the same and realise we are all in the same boat.

07-03-07, 20:25
hi welcome to the site, you will find all the help you need here as theres lots of friendly faces to support you.
ami xx

Dan D
07-03-07, 20:38
If you're looking for ammediate support, go to the left hand list and pick out things from there. However, looking around the forum will offer you more personal advice.


07-03-07, 21:39
Hi Mandy,

A big warm welcome to you love the name :D

07-03-07, 21:52
Hi Mandy,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

07-03-07, 22:04
Welcome Dolly,

You will find a great deal of help on here. I have found that taking back some control such as healthy eating cutting down on ceffeine, alcohol getting some exercise and using this site to get the emotional support has been invaluable.
You have taken positive teps by visiting your GP and taking medication that is now begining to work for you. Hopefully now things will improve as you are calm and more in control. Take things a day at a time and look after yourself ok. :hugs: :hugs:

07-03-07, 22:36
hi everyone my name is carloon its nice that ihave finally found someone to share my feelings with at last. ive had anxiety for as long as i can remember. my agraphopia side of things happend back 10 years ago now. ive three boys whom are all at school. my husband and i have been married for 13 years.i always have to go out with my husband otherwise most of the time im stuck indoors watching everyone else injoying life if theres anyone else like me out there please give me a shout ill look forward to metting you all soon love carloonxxxxxxx

08-03-07, 13:25
Hi Mandy,

A BIG :welcome: to the site.

Take care

shirley xx

08-03-07, 14:22
Hi Mandy and welcome!
I'm no expert on IBS, but believe me, I doubt you'll have to take citalopram for the rest of your life to help you feel calm, it'll just act as a booster while you develop some coping strategies, either through chatting on here or through some form of counselling. I've been on pills now for seven years and will probably have to take them for many years to come as depression runs in my family and I think I have some form of chemical imbalance. I've had no problems taking them for such a long time, and my doc doesn't either, so I wouldn't worry-just take them for as long as you need them.
Take Care,
Sarah x

Pink Princess
10-03-07, 16:05
hey welcome to the site x x x hope you settle in, hope to speak soon. take kare xx x x x

10-03-07, 16:22
Hi Mandy

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope you get some great advice and support on here.

15-03-07, 08:18
Elo Mandy,
Welcome to the site..great support n advice here glad to have ya on board x

16-03-07, 21:06