View Full Version : Neck / thyroid

15-04-16, 08:33
Hi all, I've sent myself in a panic, I've been having neck pain for a little while, today I've noticed that the right side of my neck, at the front where it meets my collarbone is swollen. It feels squishy to touch. I'm now very scared and worried something is wrong with my thyroid.
Anyone else had anything similar?

15-04-16, 09:05
I get this when my anixety or reflux is bad (the 2 generally go hand in hand). Had the bloodwork done for my thyroid in feb and it was all normal. X

15-04-16, 09:22
Thank you hun, I'm doing OK too, I'm off to Disneyland in less than 2 weeks and I know my anxiety levels are rising. I do suffer reflux too, had bloodwork done about 4 months ago.

15-04-16, 09:25
Oh hope you enjoy but can understand the anxiety. Im paranoid by lumps on my jawline on both sides just now which i think is either my actual jaw or tension in the muscles, its just another never ending cycle :( x

15-04-16, 10:05
Why oh why do we do it, what does a squishy neck even mean? I love being on holiday, it's the lead up to it that sets me off.

15-04-16, 10:26
I dont know, i ended up in a+e once with bad heartburn and anxiety & they were concerned about my thyroid but when i seen the dr the next day he wasnt concerned and then my bloods were clear so im just trying to ignore it. X

16-04-16, 08:23
Went to the walk in as couldn't focus, nurse couldn't explain what it was, she said my neck is more swollen on one side but couldn't feel any swelling of my glands.
Was told to keep an eye on it. All stats were normal. Now I'm back to not knowing what's real and what isn't.
I feel like I'm being strangled but that comes and goes and usually goes as soon as I burp.