View Full Version : Do you obsess over 'resting' heart rate.

15-04-16, 12:40
I know I do :wacko:

I also know that you should take your resting heart rate just after you wake up, before you start moving around.

Historically this has been about 58-65 for me first thing in the morning, but once I'm up it never settles back down to that level during the day.

Last week I was in A&E with a prolonged episode of tachycardia (120bpm for several hours). This has happened once before and in both cases I was under massive amounts of stress and had an infection. All tests came back fine.

Now though, I'm back to checking my pulse, a lot.

Because I'm a little 'wired' right now my daytime pulse ranges from 75-90, and although I know that's fine, especially as I'm so stressed out right now, I also can't help feeling it's not right. After the trip to A&E I am of course waking up during the night with the standard 120bpm episodes. I know how to handle those easily enough, but it also means that I wake up in the morning with my HR already at 75-80 which I'm also reading way too much into.

Curses to it all! :mad:

15-04-16, 13:39
I sometimes do, mine ranges from 65-84 bpm depending on time and how my anxiety is

15-04-16, 15:32
Yes, and blood pressure. I've always had a slow heart rate but when I take it and see 55 or so I get really anxious. Sometimes taking it 30 or 40 times a day. Not so much these last couple days since I went to the doctor and had am EKG which she said was great.

15-04-16, 16:52
Had this during my anxiety. Woke up in the middle of the night with a racing heart. Woke up with a heart rate of around 85 and went to bed with one of around 95.
Since getting over anxiety and having less stress, it's back to waking up with 70 and going to bed with 80 (I have low blood pressure, so my heart rate tends to be a little higher anyways)

16-04-16, 13:39
The weird thing is I've had it under control for years. I still used to get panic attacks on the odd occasion, but I could rationalise those and let them go.

A combination of illness and hospital visit and it feels like I'm back to square one with a heart rate that's constantly 15-20 bpm faster that where I feel it should be.


26-05-16, 04:19
I'm obsessed at the minute I've been having episodes of 115-135 bpm that last a couple of hours happened to Me a couple years back got a ultrasound and told it was stress I've just had a baby and currently in tears as I've just woken up its 4.18 am here and my pulse is 48 bpm -58 bpm it's really slow I'm 24 years old and deemed healthy but I'm definitely not a athlete so I don't understand I'm scared that when I'm actually asleep it must go into 30 -20's! !