View Full Version : Chest cold - bronchitis/pneumonia?

15-04-16, 12:43
I've been coughing for about a week. I'm not sure if it's a cold or allergies. Last night I started to get a panic attack because I felt like I was having trouble taking deep breaths. My husband said that's common from all the coughing I was doing. I slept ok. I still feel like my breathing is a little different. Almost like its misty in my upper chest. I have no fever and not really any other symptoms. My insurance is awful so I would like to avoid going to the dr. Any ideas what this is and how to help? My husband said once my coughing stops it will probably feel better.

15-04-16, 16:45
My husband had pneumonia around the holidays and it's no joke, he had fever for 5 days, couldn't eat, coughed constantly, he finally went to the Dr and got antibiotics for it. You might have a upper respiratory infection, if you don't have fever I wouldn't worry about it, should go away on it's own.

15-04-16, 18:57
Thanks for your reply. I actually went to the dr as I had a slight fever. I do have a bronchial infection and she prescribed me antibiotics. She also took an X-ray and my lungs are clear.

16-04-16, 10:52
If your lungs are clear then obviously you don't have pneumonia. Bronchitis is usually viral, not bacterial and antibiotics act only on bacteria...Bronchitis may need few weaks to clear...