View Full Version : embarrassed

07-03-07, 21:30
ok soo...monday night i woke up with stabbing pains in my lower abdomen and it kept me up alll night! since then i constantly need the toilet - or should i say constantly feel like i need the toilet as i dont actually do most the time - and whenever i do use the loo its bloody hurts! stings so bad. the stabbing pains in my stomach have dissappeared though. could this be a bladder infection? and if anyone here has experienced this then did you get treatment or just flush it out with lots of fluids?

thanks,claire x

07-03-07, 22:15
Can I assume you mean to wee?

Sounds like cystitis and if so u need to drink, drink and drink water

07-03-07, 22:39
yeah lol u can assume that! yeah i heard that drinking lots of water helps to flush it out. i drink loads anyways....just have to up it a bit!

08-03-07, 10:04
Cranberry juice is supposed to be good too! If it doesn't clear up with lots of fluids, then you will probably need to go to the docs and get some antibiotics.

Poor you, it's really painful, I do feel for you. But easily treated, so try not to worry.

09-03-07, 19:35
Sounds very, very like cystitis - can be very painful at times, you feel bursting for the loo then about a teaspoon comes out. Cranberry juice and drinking lots of water helps, but a visit to your GP will easily sort it out.