View Full Version : New to HA

15-04-16, 14:21
Hi Everybody, I thought I'd submit a post to gather my thoughts and maybe get an opinion from some of the more experienced people out there. I have become worried that I have MS, as I've seen is common for those with HA.
I work as an accountant with a public accounting firm. It's a very stressful job, especially for the first few months of the year. Back in early February I started getting an abnormal number of heart palpitations. I've always had them, and never though much of it, but this was different. They were very frequent, and much more urgent. They made me worried, so I googled it. I came out of that adventure with the idea of "it's probably nothing, but if it is something, it'll probably kill me." So, I went to the doctor. Well, I didn't have a doctor at the time, so I went to a walk in clinic. They proceeded to scare the **** out of me. They hooked me up to an EKG machine and took blood. I had to wait by myself for a while before they would talk to me. They told me my EKG was slightly outside of normal, and recommended I see a cardiologist. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. I got in to see a cardiologist fairly quickly. He looked me over and determined I was completely normal. I thought that was the end of it. Two days later, I think I had what was my first panic attack. I was working late, and just started freaking out. Felt like I was about to have a meltdown. I left work and managed to not completely blow up. Fast forward a week, and I wake up with tingling fingers on my left hand. I go to my new best friend, Google, and lo and behold I find out about MS. This terrifies me. I spend the next few days as a basket case, completely irrationally believing I have MS. During this time, I start to develop more symptoms, all of which I had already read about on the internet. I started twitching like crazy. I started getting very tense and sore muscles. I started getting headaches, tremors, and more tingling sensations. (The tingling, looking back, wasn’t severe at all. It wasn’t anything like feeling like my foot was asleep. I was just suddenly aware of sensations in my body that either weren’t there, or I hadn’t noticed before.) I kept checking to see if my symptoms were still there. I kept searching the internet for answers. I eventually found a PCP and went in for an appointment. I explained everything to him, my strange symptoms and my searching on the internet and irrational worrying. He told me anxiety, but that he wanted to run tests. I had a full blood work up done, as well as some basic neuro procedures. Everything came back normal. He said anxiety. Fast forward another week and I started to feel very dazed. I’d walk down a hallway at work and feel like I was floating. The furniture and people were floating by me, rather than I walking by them. This really freaked me out. Fast forward once again, now to the present, almost two months after my heart palpitations became worse: I am calmer than I was initially, but still stressed. I am still twitching and tingling a bit, now with buzzing and crawling sensations added for good measure. I still have this dazed feeling. It hasn’t left me for a month or so. I had a few days where I felt like it was wearing off, and then proceeded to work two 70 hour weeks back to back. It came back again and is still with me today. So, after this incredibly long read, what do y’all think? Are all of these symptoms possible with anxiety? None of my physical symptoms have prevented me from doing anything I want or need to do. They just freak me out. I’ve come to the conclusion that, yes, this could be stress, especially after looking back on my progression from just stressed to nearly going nuts. I still worry a lot though. There are days where I have anxiety, and there are days where I have MS. I have told myself that I’ll go back to the doctor if something truly goes numb. Or if I wake up and can’t see. Until then, I don’t have MS. Or, maybe I do, but I at least have anxiety along with it. I still don’t know how to shake this, especially since I’ll never be able to have 100% certainty of anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your time, and I’ll keep track of this post. I’ll post any updates I have in the hopes that it may help anyone else experiencing something like this. Cheers!

15-04-16, 15:13
All sounds like typical anxiety symptoms to me. Once we start focusing on something out mind just can't stop. At least you've been to the doctor and they've told you that you are doing fine. I know them reassurances only last so long and then we start to question the doctors even though they know best.