View Full Version : Any tips please?

15-04-16, 14:57
Does anyone have tips on how to get rid of the awful stomach "butterflies" I get all day, every day? Thank you.

15-04-16, 15:06
That is exactly what I get!

Understand what it is at first. It is just your body pumping adrenaline into your stomach. Almost like a dripping tap. It is incredibly annoying I know but it is harmless.

I know it's easier said then done but try to ignore them.

In terms of reducing them try some high intensity exercise, eg running long distances, weight training or swimming. This will hugely reduce them as you will be using up the adrenaline by doing this. Exercise is 100% a major major factor in keeping anxiety at bay trust me on that.

Aside from this try some mindfulness meditation such as headspace. This teaches the brain to not chase after unpleasant thoughts and symptoms.

The butterflies did my head in for a while but honestly apply all the above and they really do begin to become less intense.

15-04-16, 15:19
Thank you! I wish I had the energy and motivation to exercise but I don't. It is a vicious circle; I feel so bloody exhausted from the constant anxiety, insomnia, lack of food (zero appetite for months, lost over 2st since Dec) palpitations and the side effects of the citalopram I've recently started on that I just cannot motivate myself off this damn sofa. Of course, as you say, the adrenaline has nowhere to go and I'm guessing that sends a message to the brain to pump out more adrenaline! It's a lose lose situation.

15-04-16, 16:39
I hear you about not having the motivation to exercise, i don't either, but believe me, it is the best way i can find to relieve the butterflies. The only issue is that i cant get out to exercise properly till after work so means i can have those butterflies all day up to that point, but when i can, i get out and run. Doesnt even need be to far, but it burns off the adrenaline and does help me feel better for a while. Would urge you to try it

15-04-16, 17:00
I got the butterflys at the mo. Its a weird feeling but it wont hurt you i know mune is because um due back to work monday afrer some time off sick. It will pass