View Full Version : Nexplanon out but......

15-04-16, 18:53
Hi all

Nexplanon got taken out today, and asked the nurse to check the lump i can feel on my jawline and she says that she cant feel anything but wouldnt be lymph nodes but if worried to come back or see GP. This has kinda reassured me but kinda not. I think it could be tense jaw or a dental problem but i dont know?? Also was having bad stomach pains kinda just below the space in inbetween ribs, thought it was down to ranitidine so stopped as a bit of an experiment which up until an hour ago or so it seemed to be, so now panicky about that with what if what if (irpnically can feel myself clenching my joy)

Sorry just need to let off! But yay nexplanons gone!!

17-04-16, 17:20
If you don't mind me asking, how come you got the nexplanon removed?

18-04-16, 20:42
It seemed to be making my anxiety worse and my depression was coming back at a rapid rate. Its only been out 3 days and mood has improved and im more in control of my anxiety (ok tonight im having a bit of a aghhhh time regarding the big C for some reason but remaining in at least semi control) not it controling me x