View Full Version : I think that I could use some help.

16-04-16, 00:29

I have never done this before, and I don't know what to type. But I think that I could be struggling with anxiety and depression. I don't feel comfortable in many social situations, and don't feel comfortable with my life at all, I'm feeling down most of the time, nothing really brings me that much joy any more, I just "do" things. I don't know is there is something wrong with me, or I'm just shy, and in a bad mood. I don't want to be unfair towards people who have an actual diagnosed condition, said, depression or anxiety.

I feel like some medicine would help, but I would like to be prescribed by doctor, which requires an appointment, and you have guessed it, I'm afraid to book one, or go to one after I would get one.

Apologies for my English. And I'm sorry if I'm posting in wrong section, or exaggerating my problems too much.

16-04-16, 02:31
Hi there and :welcome:

Well done for making the move and posting here. I know it's not easy at first but you've no need to worry about saying the wrong thing - we're a friendly bunch and we're here to support each other.

You've recognised they you might be suffering from anxiety. That's more important than you think as it takes others years to come to that conclusion. Indeed, some people never do. I know you're apprehensive about seeing your GP but it is the best thing for you to do. There are a lot of things which can help, including medication, as you've said. There's certainly no wonder pill which cures this and it takes us all a lot of hard work to get through it but you can. We've all either been where you are or we're still there, and sharing experiences can be really reassuring.

When you see your GP, be honest about how you feel. If it helps, write down what you want to say in advance and go through your list in the consultation. I always do this so that I don't forget what I want to say in the heat of the moment. GPs are used to this and, whilst some aren't always as sympathetic as they could be, the vast majority are and know what to do through either meds, referrals for therapy or both.

Give it a go and let us know how you get on.

Take care


16-04-16, 13:00
Thank you for responding to my post.

But, even If I would decide to finally see GP, I don't think that I would be able to. Because, I just started my new job, and it is 9-5, which aligns with my local GPs working hours as well.

I know it might seem mundane or stupid for others, but "little" things like that make me anxious and I can't stop thinking about them. It might be just an excuse that I'm making. I don't know...

16-04-16, 22:00
Would you say the same if you had a physical illness? Imagine you had an infection of some kind or needed an asthma check up. We all need to go to the doctors now and again, and I find it hard to believe that you couldn't manage it somehow.

Up to you, of course...


17-04-16, 11:45
Hi there

I think you are making an excusr not to visit the doc.

To make things easier, write down in the form of a note. It saves time and most docs are used to it. Many people hate visiting GP. Make it a priority and a challenge

Good luck

18-04-16, 19:14
I would be careful going the medication route. Most doctors will either prescribe something addictive or refuse to prescribe anything at all.

Its mostly how you feel that should translate into what you want to do about it. Have you tried anything such as diet, exercise? Sometimes a vitamin deficiency causes feelings like that.

18-04-16, 21:34
Yes, I'm going to the gym 3 times per week, I'm on low carb diet to loose weight, not sure about the vitamins, but I don't think that is the case, because I've been "feeling" like that for as far as I can remember.

18-04-16, 21:53
Perhaps get checked for Vitamin D deficiency? Do you get enough sunlight everyday? I find that taking a vitamin D supplement helps, its definitely not a cure but it does help.

Exercising is good, diet is great, I am vegan personally :P But any change in diet away from processed refined foods is a great idea.

Talking it out, reaching out for help from someone that cares is great as well. I had a few friends I'd just go and talk to whenever I needed and they helped me get through it.

19-04-16, 21:32
I would love to speak to somebody about that, but I don't have anybody that I can trust enough, and feel comfortable with. Especially that I don't have many friends in this country, just couple of people that I "know", and that's it. I feel like I'm stuck in vicious circle. But writing about that stuff online is more comfortable, I don't know why I haven't done that before.

And I think I'm going to see GP, I'll try to take a day off work, I just don't know what reason to state, as I really hate to lie, and I'm bad at it.

I feel like my condition is getting worse, every day, so I should rather act swiftly.

19-04-16, 21:35
Hi there - you dont need to give your employer a reason for seeing a GP - that is a private matter. You should just be able to tell your employer that you are taking the morning/afternoon off because you have a GP appointment. No more explanation is required.


20-04-16, 22:44
What if I would be actually diagnosed with some sort of disorder? Would it be my duty to inform my employer then? And I've just started working there around month ago, I don't want to make bad impression.

21-04-16, 17:19
No its not your duty, thats confidential medical information. Its only required if it affects your job in a physical way and even then you can be vague.

I was diagnosed with Anxiety/Panic Disorder and Major Depression but all I told them was that I was stressed and needed some time off. Its not law for them to know, at least here in the states you're protected by HIPA laws I believe.