View Full Version : Bowel cancer anxiety

Mike M
16-04-16, 01:12
I am very frightened that my past has caught up with me. I was a heavy drinker for the last 15 years or so but recently had a scare that stopped me in my tracks. I saw some blood in my bm, and after researching the Internet I believe I have bowel cancer. The funny thing is I don't have stomach pain and haven't lost any weight. I did have some trouble with going regularly but after quitting the booze, I appear to be normal again. My doctor thought it may be hemroids but scheduled me for a colonoscopy next month to make sure. But after reading stories from people who have this terrible disease who had no symptoms (like me) I am freaking out. It's like there is something inside me telling me I am dying, it's hard to explain.

16-04-16, 05:45
Unless you have majority of these symptoms below, you shouldn't even worry.

1. Bleeding from the back passage (rectum) or blood in your poo.
2. A change in normal bowel habits.
3. A lump in your abdomen (more commonly on the right side) or in your rectum.
4. A straining feeling in the rectum.
5. Losing weight.
6. Pain in your abdomen or rectum.

source: cancer-research-uk (wont let me post links yet)
IMO, I understand you are experiencing the first symptom on the list (blood in stool), but that doesn't conclude anything. There are many reasons for there to be blood in your stool.

1. Stop self-diagnosing (no google searching)
2. Wait till you get to your doctor appointment
3. While waiting, if you start to panic; refer to step 1.
4. If step 1 doesn't doesn't help with the anxiety, refer to step 5
5. How to reduce anxiety (from my experience): keep busy (work/ hobbies) + hit the gym + regular sleep schedule + regular eating habits and brain food + avoid self-diagnosis using google = reduced anxiety

Of course doing step 5 wont magically 'cure' anxiety and worries overnight. This is more of a long term solution. For acute stress ask your doctor to prescribe you Clonazepam. If you've never used this medication before make sure to take the smallest dose (0.5 mg from my experience).
WARNING: DON'T abuse this medication whenever you feel anxious. Only use it for acute stress, that is; panic attacks and whatnot. This med is addicting and can lead to more serious problems if abused :(

cheers :)

16-04-16, 15:41
Just to add on... I had the majority of those symptoms before.

Blood was first. Got real anxious and it changed bathroom habits. Had some pain. Anxiety really screws with your digestive system.

Turned out... a hemorrhoid. :shades:

Hemorrhoids are super common and its almost a guarantee its what you have.

Mike M
16-04-16, 18:02
Thank you both so much for your replies. After spending a couple hours on dr Google this morning and reading from those unfortunate to have this cancer I came up with the reasoning that not only do I have bowel cancer but I am just waiting to find out what stage I have.
Now fast forward a few hours, talked to a friend and read your posts. Now I am promising myself to stay away from the Internet about any symptoms I may have and focus on the positive. I work out, have not lost weight, eat normally, and am healthy as far as I know besides the blood in the bms. I can't believe how much energy I spend worrying. Anyways thanks again for your replies, it talked me off a ledge. Can't wait for my colonoscopy so I can get on with my life.

16-04-16, 18:59
is the blood red or black? I've sprayed the entire bowl bright red before from hemorrhoids.

Mike M
16-04-16, 19:34
Blood was bright red on bm. Other symptom was some constipation with change in bowel form, small. That went away after I quit drinking but there still seems to be blood time to time.

16-04-16, 23:40
Bright red is not from bowels. If you are constipated, you are pushing hard, which breaks blood vessels, give hemrrhoids etc

Buy a box of Fiber One granola bars and eat 2 a day for a week. I bet your problems go away.

Mike M
17-04-16, 00:20
Everything I saw said red blood is from bowel and dark is from upper stomach I thought. So rectal cancer is my main concern not bowel? Not that one would be better than the other though.

17-04-16, 02:20
No your concern is roids from constipation. Usually tar black is a problem.

Always Trying
17-04-16, 03:56
Go and see a doctor and I'm sure that you will get the reassurance that you need on this one ��