View Full Version : Weird smells everyday

16-04-16, 10:39
This is going to sound gross but it is what it is and we are all adults here , so I'll post anyway. Does anyone ever get a poo smell all day and everyday ? I get this non stop everyday ! I know I sweat a lot , especially down on my bum and other bits , but it usually doesn't smell of poo. However , I can't get this constant smell of poo out of my smell senses or out of my head. I've had someone make a comment before at work when I was hungover saying something smells fresh in here and I know he meant poo because I definitely smelt of it that day , even though I had a shower. I shower everyday , use wet wipes to clean after the toilet , use body spray(Lynx) , use good after shave , use the best deodorant but still I can smell it. It makes me insanely paranoid to be around people at work because I'm paranoid they can smell it coming from me. I am over weight but i am trying to be healthy , I've cut out alcohol and I'm drinking a lot more water than usual. So what could be causing this ?

17-04-16, 05:13
Well anxiety can cause noxious smells in something that doesn't smell at all or make smells become noxious.


So, I think if it's only you, it could be something like this. If you can find someone else is smelling it, then I guess it's matter of working through what could be causing it whether it's a sweat issue (sweat can smell like that, I've known someone with that problem years ago).

You've obviously got a good hygiene regime, I doubt many blokes bother with wet wipes, I know I never have.

So, if someone else can smell it and say the same as you, I would suggest seeing your GP about it in case it is a condition so that they can treat it.

17-04-16, 14:59
My fiancé always says its me but I always think it's her not wanting to hurt my feelings. I know she's honest enough to tell me when I look like an idiot if I choose the wrong clothing , so I must trust her advice. It's weird because years ago I done a lot of drugs in Ibiza one year and I hallucinated so much I had to be rushed to hospital to be given drugs to knock me out. I was out for days ! I always get certain smells that brings me right back to that holiday , I actually feel the emotions and the thoughts. It's like I'm there living in the exact moment. Very strange

17-04-16, 21:38
When I have had bouts of severe anxiety I get a burning smell in my nose and I have been getting it for years. Patients with head injuries have reported this strange smell and many others have posted on the internet about it. I really thought it was my imagination or my smoking habit but it has happened so many times over the years and it fades away when my anxiety recedes .

I am very sensitive to noise and smell when I am anxious as my senses are hyper vigilant I smell exhaust fumes , body odours all sorts of things and It can annoy me as if I am looking for triggers. I have read this about people who hear the 'Hum' a background noise that plagues them it is your anxious body looking for signals that danger is around and it can make you paranoid.

If you shower and change clothes everyday it unlikely that you are the source. I too can be very self conscious about cleanliness and some times the cleaner you are the more you pick up on odours and you start being OCD about .

Just a thought! everyone's different and this wretched condition effects us in dozens of ways.

Take Care:)