View Full Version : pain across chest

07-03-07, 22:43
hi all,

having a total freakout at the moment.

been feeling bad for days and taken a lot of diazepam, tried to stay off it tonight but for the last 1/2 hour ive had a sharp tight pain on my chest where the ribs meet - i.e in the middle (breatsbone i think its called)...really convinced this is some heart problem but i feel fine, breathing OK - bit light headed though.

dont wanna call 999 but feelin i mayhave to.....really worried!!! please help

07-03-07, 22:46
Hi there

perfectly normal if it is anxiety

Read the Symptoms page and under the welcome topic the Common posts thread.

Hope they help

07-03-07, 22:55
thanks nicola. read a lot before and logically i know what this is, but the pain is quite sharp and painful (not normally this bad) and as i said, im trying to leave off the diazepam as its making me tired during te daytimesm but if im still like this in 1/2 hour or so, im gonna have to so i can start to chill out...

aaarrrggghhhh.... sometimes feels like coming off the citalopram was a BIG mistake.....cbt smetimes helps but these last 2 weeks have been awful..

08-03-07, 07:52
Darren, Chest Pain is almost always worth seeking professional advice over.

However, if your doctor has already given you the all clear you should take confidence in that. However, a follow-up visit could be worthwhile.

However, if you lead a healthy lifestyle and have no health issues, at your age (judging from your user name) it is very remote you would have a heart or serious health issue.

However, there are numerous other causes of chest pain. Anxiety is one, GERD is another and I have a condition called Costochondritis which is inflammation of cartilage in the chest. My symptoms are chest pain and when the chest is pressed in the affected area (which are the 2nd and 3rd costochondral junctions with me) I get a lot of pain. You would be shocked how many doctors miss this, and equally be shocked to say a simple virus or heavy lifting can trigger it.

Certainly I would advise a check-up if you haven't had one, but I cannot see you having a serious issue.

Take Care,

08-03-07, 20:11
thanks russ,

been to docs that much recently, ive got a loyalty card and stacking up the points. had a CT scan last year that was all clear and sitting here all chilled (well chilled-ish) i know its not my heart, but last night was this really intense pain just under the sternum, gave in and took a diazepam (2mg) which knocked me sideways.
seem to have it all at the mo, had stomach cramps which docs now think is IBS (makes sense really, all the stress at the mo), need to have my grommits put in again as my ears not clearing properly (eustachain tubes) and getting VDU headaches from working all day.
plan to have a hot bath and soak myself sleepy tonight

thanks again for the advice....

Dan D
08-03-07, 20:38
The point you specify is called the sternum and it is just above the stomach region. Naturally, this could be 'gastric reflux' which is where stomach acid backs up your oesophagus. This can cause pains similar to a heart attack, except now with the arms. I had this for a few days running and i was very concerned about it.

You shouldn't worry about it. Take an indigestion tablet and eat dry bread/toast and a good amount of water.