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View Full Version : Bald patch on leg

16-04-16, 14:20
Ok so today I noticed a bald patch on my leg just above me knee, its like someone has shaved the hair off and the hairs are now like stubble where they are growing back.. Does anyone know what this could be? (Yes I done the worse thing and googled, luckily there was nothing bad, it actually said nothing). I wear skinny jeans so could this of pulled the hairs off? Or could this be an illness? such as alopecia? This is the only patch I have noticed.

16-04-16, 15:13
I have bald patches all over my legs. They come after winter cause we wear pants for months. I even get then on my forearms from wearing a jacket all the time.

16-04-16, 15:45
Don't feel bad... I have a bald patch that covers my entire head! :shrug:

Positive thoughts

16-04-16, 18:40
Thanks for the replies, I started to feel better but now I have noticed I have lost hair on of my toes! :/

But I have just started a new job which involves lots of walking in very hard shoes, I have had blisters and bruises over my feet these last two weeks so could the shoes maybe be pulling the hairs off my toes?

16-04-16, 19:08
My husband has these patches on his legs from wearing work trousers and boots everyday.