View Full Version : Anxiety out of control, ulcer and cancer fears.

16-04-16, 19:14

I've been a lurker on the site for many years after I started having health anxiety following heart scares after the birth of my daughter. I've always found it very helpful and I'm hoping you can help me now.

This week was the worst of my life in terms of anxiety. I went to see a private GP with ovarian cancer fears (low back pain and a pulling feeling in pelvis, symptoms which I had check out three years ago). She didn't seem concerned about that and was more interested in testing thyroid functions and hormones. Did blood tests for anaemia, thyroid, Vit D and full blood count and all came back fine. Ended up with a huge bill just into four figures which was a massive shock and came out feeling worse than ever.

Saw my own gp two days later and explained. Had to wrote it all down because I burst into tears whenever I talk about it. She felt my tummy and did internal and said she could feel nothing sinister. Asked me to give a stool sample (awaiting results) as she thinks might be IBS.

So I calmed down for a couple of days but my current problem is this:

For about a year I've had pains in and off at the top of my abdomen just under left rib. Very occasionally it's a burning pain, but most of the time it's an uncomfortable ache and feels 'full'. Sometimes it's a stabbing pain. Also, I can feel loads of lumps which move around when I press them. They almost feel squishy. I feel them when standing up if I press around my abdomen.

So now I'm worried that I have stomach or colon cancer and I just can't stop worrying. It's getting to the point where it's affecting my daily life. Thankfully I'm self employed so if I have a bad day I just hide away.

So does anyone else have these stomach symptoms and lumps? Does it sound like an ulcer to you?

I've lost 60lb since June last year on Slimming World which definitely helped with my palps and heart things but now I have a whole new list of symptoms to make me miserable. I weigh 160lbs now and am comfortable with that.

If anyone can provide some advice or reassurance I would really appreciate it. No one understands just what a dark place anxiety can take you to. I would also love to hear from anyone with similar symptoms.

Thank you for reading this far.

---------- Post added at 19:14 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

I should also add that I am quite constipated at the moment and have started taking probiotics to see if that helps.

20-04-16, 14:29
Hi there,

This sounds exactly the same as me!! For about 6 months now ive had the same feeling as you in my left upper abdomen, and before that I went to the GP with ovarian worries because of pain in right leg and a strange stretching sensation in ovary area. Was sent for an ultrasound which found a small cyst on each ovary but nothing to worry about! GP thinks it's IBS.

I have been taking buscopan for my stomach pain for about 4 months now. As soon as I feel even the smallest twinge in my left side I take one! It does seem to help. Have you tried buscopan? You can get them without prescription.

The best thing i've found is distraction. You need to try to keep yourself distracted, even though that may seem really difficult. It must be especially hard if you're self employed and spend a lot of time on your own? I do things such as chatting to a friend on the phone, watching a funny youtube video, doing some colouring or even looking at dream holidays online! You'll soon find that as soon as you stop thinking about it the pain gets much less.

I really think that you have IBS the same as me. Please please please stop worrying about it. You've done amazingly with your weight loss, now get out there and be confident and live your life to the full!


20-04-16, 19:12

Thanks so much for replying. I was beginning to get a bit disheartened but I'm glad to hear from you. It helps to know I'm not the only one going through this.

I have reflexology which helps and my reflexologist always says that my descending colon is congested which doesn't help with the worrying, even though she tells me it's nothing more than constipation.

So I've started keeping a symptom diary. For the past two days I've had a bit of reflux or at least I think that's what it is. Kind of like a sicky burp! I also woke with stomach pains last night feeling like I needed the loo. Had tummy pains yesterday which followed eating a lot of sugary junk. Today has not been so bad although stomach has been a bit grumbly.

I'm still so terrified though. I do spend a lot of time on my own as my husband works away all week. I can easily distract myself but then the minute I get the slightest twinge the panic sets in again.

I'm hoping it is IBS although isn't it unusual to get that in later life? I'm 43.

Thanks for responding and I would be happy to chat some more.

20-04-16, 20:17
Google splenic flexure syndrome . It is related to Ibs. I have had the 'pain in the left hand side under rib' ( think I even may have posted about it on here) and sometimes it's lasted for months, so I understand the worry.

20-04-16, 20:49
I,ve had IBS since my twenties ...all you explain i,ve had .

I,m just used to it now and it can go for many months / years before a flare up again .

It does feel awfull at first and its natural to worry and think it must be something else but its not .

Forgot to say my mates Dad got IBS in his sixties , its not age related but more common in ladies