View Full Version : Muscle knot??

16-04-16, 20:58
Hi all

Just wondering what a muscle knot feels like?
I have what i think is a knot or muscle tension on the back of neck near the corner (if that makes sense) on the right hand side. Its like a soft lump that changes size when i move/stretch my neck (gets smaller).
It isnt sore just feel stiff but i dont know if thats from an akward sleeping position/ jaw tension over the past few days.

Also have earache/jaw ache/ toothache again dont know if tension or maybe an ear infection?

Trying to remain in control of anxiety but this is proving it to be difficult.

Thanks in advance

16-04-16, 21:16
I don't know about muscle knots but my muscles in my neck and back and throat have been so tight it feels as though someone is choking me. It kind of comes and goes and is tight even down my arm and makes life miserable . Also get this in my jaw and shoulders. I have been told its tension here on NMP , but I wish it would go away. Last night I had it for hours and it felt as though I could not swallow even water. Anxiety is terrible .. hope you feel better soon.

16-04-16, 21:20
Oh its awful. Everything is affected, parts i never knew i had hurt! Think its alot to do with tension as across my shoulders and down my back feel tight and stiff but we all know what HA does to us. Think itll be a hot choc and bed �� x

16-04-16, 21:30