View Full Version : My ongoing symptoms

16-04-16, 21:14
Hi everyone

I am new to this forum now, finally reaching rock bottom with my health anxiety!
It all started around September 2014 a few months after my partner suddenly passing away from a heart attack (alcohol related)
I had my first panick attack thinking me too was having a heart attack (I don't drink at all)
It started off not too bad symptoms wise until I had a cervical smear test come back abnormal - sent me in a blind panick when they sent along with the letter giving me leaflets on cervical cancer - which of course I went crazy with worry, well all turned out well after my treatment and my follow up. Still hasn't helped not having another for 3 more years but I'm sure I'll be okay.
My symptoms have slowly been getting worse - so here they are and explaining my symptoms and what I think was/is wrong.

Heart attack - heart palpitations, chest pain, pain top of my back (still get heart palpitations)

Lymph nodes / cancer - swollen neck (so I thought), itchiness, stiff neck, grinding neck when move side to side (symptoms gone)

And the WORST so far Brain tumour - blurry vision, eyes feeling heavy and aching, short pains lasting a few seconds for head above eye, dead arm constantly it feels heavy and weak but I still have the strength in my arm (started as pain in my wrist)

I have been opticians who have said my eyes are fairly bad and needed glasses, no improvement yet as I am still trying to get used to them.
I had the flu about 4 weeks ago waking up with a headache everyday and finally they stopped but then for around 2 weeks I was getting headaches everyday and having to take paracetamol (taking the headache away)
I am now mainly worried about my eyes and this weakness in my arm which started as pain in my wrist.

I am working as a healthcare assistant which I suppose doesn't help my anxiety but I love my job and this anxiety is driving me insane now.

Does anyone else have/had similar symptoms and do you take any medication ? My doctor has tried talking me into taking anti depressants which I am not keen on.

Sorry for the long post :)

MORE ADDED : Another thing I am now getting extremely anxious about is my children's health, I worry so much and as with me I look into every symptom they have - I don't want them to have anxiety like me and I'm trying to hide it so bad but they pick up on it when I question every symptom and little pain there is I have 3 boys age 4,8,10

16-04-16, 21:54
Hi hun, you're in the right place for support, if you don't want to try meds (I never have), then consider therapy. CBT is the most successful for anxiety and if you're in England many places have a self referral system on the NHS, Google talking therapies or iapt services for your area.

16-04-16, 22:03
Hi thank you for the reply 😊 I did go doctors and they referred me for bereavement counselling which I feel I don't need so didn't go which could have been a mistake it may have helped I don't know - I have managed to come to terms with my loss but the anxiety has took control of my life completely... It seems like the symptoms go and new ones hit me worse


17-04-16, 00:02
I can relate so much with lymphoma symptoms, I'm going out of my mind with worry. My throat isn't really sore but it hurts if that makes sense, looks all lumpy, veiny and red in throat, and I'm convinced my one lymph node is enlarged. I'm so exhausted 24/7. I'm new here too, so sorry to hear about your partner hun. Xx