View Full Version : Where to go from here?

16-04-16, 22:12
Started with Seroxat (brilliant for anxiety but made me sleep all the time) then
Lustral (might as well take sweeties) then
Reboxetine (awesome! Changed my life was on it for 8 years before it started to poop out) then
Zispin (made me eat and eat and eat and eat......) then
Citalopram (sleeeeeeeepyyyyyyy) then
Venlafaxine (brilliant for anxiety but made me sleep all the time and weird personality changes) also tried
St Johns Wort (gave me migraines) also
L-theanine (sweeties...)
Free and Happy Wanderer Chinese formula ( more sweeties)
Propanalol ( good but I've got asthma so not advisable)
Now I'm back on Reboxetine, amazing for motivation, energy and general mood enhancement but no help with anxiety this time!
To sum up- SSRIs make me sleep so much that I can't work,
Could really do with suggestions..... Kind of at my wits end.....

22-05-16, 14:07
Fairly convinced that my anxiety problems have been caused by PPI treatment for nearly 20 years. I'm going to try to come off them and see what happens.....

22-05-16, 14:20
Hi Savey...I came off PPI's after a long time myself. I was on them for about 15 years. A doctor (not the one who put me on them) told me to stop taking them. I tried going cold turkey but got sever stomach pains. So I weaned myself off. I'd say I was completely off them in no more than 6 weeks. I haven't looked back.


22-05-16, 23:26
Thanks for your reply. Did you find that coming off PPIs made any difference with anxiety levels?

23-05-16, 10:34
ever tried or been suggested to try an anti-psychotic such as Seroquel?

23-05-16, 19:13
No, its never been suggested