View Full Version : Someone please help

17-04-16, 08:31
Ok so just to give some background on myself. Up until my recent problems I was never the type of person to go to the hospital or dr for anything. Literally I maybe went to the dr or emergency room 10 times in my whole life. 2 of those were surgeries, one on my knee and other was having my tonsils taken out as a child. The only other times I had went was the occasional sickness I couldn't seem to shake a few stochastic here and there and one time I had some sharp chest pains that turned out to be gas. Last October my wife and I had a beautiful baby girl. A few weeks afterward maybe a month after I started having dull achey pain in my chest and a lot of tightness. It scared the hell out of me so I went to the emergency room and had an ekg and blood work done and was told everything was fine and sent on my way. Since then my life has been hell. There isn't a day that goes by that my chest isn't hurting. Some days are a lot worse than others. Since that visit I have been to the ER 9 more times over chest pain and same thing every time out of those 10 visits I have went to 5 different hospitals however none of them we're exactly great hospitals, but they can't all be wrong can they? They keep saying to follow up with my primary doctor but due to my insurance cost and cost to visit my doctor I just can't afford it and can't be seen without paying up front. Every day I just wait to drop over dead. It has worried me so much I increased my life insurance policy with my employer without my wife knowing so I know if something happens she will be taken care of for quite a while before she has to worry about anything. My symptoms have been the chest pain as explained above, back pain, tingling in my neck and face, tension headaches, cold hands and just complete fear which may be the reason for some of those symptoms. My heart rate when worried is usually well over 100 bpm around 120 or so but my blood pressure is usually great 130 or lower over 85 or lower. There has been an occasional spike in my blood pressure but not normally. Someone please help me give me some type of relief is this just anxiety, panic attacks, am I going crazy someone anyone help.

17-04-16, 09:08
Do you get heartburn aswell? Could be reflux? I get chest pain and tightness in my chest and its down to reflux issues. I know you can have silent reflux where you have the chest aches and pains etc but no burning. My reflux also causes back pain aswell. Other symptoms could be down to anxiety

18-04-16, 02:33
No I don't get any heart burn or reflux I've actually thought maybe that could be it as well but I've tried taking zantac and other anti acid to try to prevent it and nothing helps I've also been getting a tingling sensation in my fingers.