View Full Version : Scared I have colon cancer

17-04-16, 14:45
A few days ago I have such a bad cold which I never have colds or Anyang!
I had a really bad pain in my right side and since then it's like a stranger feeling that is barely there all up my right side. It's a few centre metres away from my belly button all the way up to my ribs.
I am very young (15) and suffered anxiety for about 5 years now.
I am always scared something is around the corner waiting to happen to me :(
I want to be able to enjoy life but it never seems to happen, I find it extremely difficult to travel which means I can be social like people are my age.
I am not here for a diagnosis just maybe some reassurance.
Thank you

17-04-16, 14:52
A little too young for it to be colon cancer kiddo ;)

Positive thoughts

17-04-16, 14:54
Thank you for your reply!
Makes me feel a little relived! Hopefully it will go!

Always Trying
18-04-16, 02:49
I agree, colon cancer at age 15 would be extraordinarily unlikely.

I am in my 30's and have been experiencing extreme anxiety for a number of years. I'm only now starting to accept that anxiety can cause physical symptoms. I am hyper vigilant about noticing symptoms that other people would dismiss, and I find that if I focus on them, they hang around. When I'm out living my life, the symptoms disappear... until I remember that I'm worried about it and then they're back! Try and get out and do something you enjoy. I almost guarantee this strange feeling will go away. If not, and you're still worried, go and get it checked out. I'm no doctor, but I think you're probably completely fine ��

18-04-16, 16:43
First of all thank you very much for your reply!
I'm exactly the same!! I always think I have symtopms of all different things but when I focus on other things they just disappear! The mind ay? Thank you again! :)

18-04-16, 17:21
I agree, colon cancer at age 15 would be extraordinarily unlikely.

I am in my 30's and have been experiencing extreme anxiety for a number of years. I'm only now starting to accept that anxiety can cause physical symptoms. I am hyper vigilant about noticing symptoms that other people would dismiss, and I find that if I focus on them, they hang around. When I'm out living my life, the symptoms disappear... until I remember that I'm worried about it and then they're back! Try and get out and do something you enjoy. I almost guarantee this strange feeling will go away. If not, and you're still worried, go and get it checked out. I'm no doctor, but I think you're probably completely fine ��

This is me exactly! I spent all last night pressing my neck and checking for lumps. I had a tingling sensation all night convinced I had some form of cancer. Eventually I got so annoyed with myself, I forced myself to go to bed and vowed I wouldn't entertain the idea in the morning. The "symptoms" are still there today but less intrusive and I've felt slightly more relaxed.

I think you should try and do the same lollipop. Try to distract yourself and forget about it. Before you know it the ache won't seem as bad and you can relax.

19-04-16, 18:30
Lollipop, I agree with the others in that it's very unlikely to be colon cancer at your age. If you're getting these pains in your side though it might be an idea to go to a doctor and get it checked out all the same, to put your mind at rest apart from anything else.

Best wishes to you.

20-04-16, 06:49
First you are too young to have cancer and i thin you should look at life throught at positive way .Find something that likes you and motivate you .Also its important to be grateful for all good things in your life