View Full Version : Anxiety and family/relationships - irritable moods!

17-04-16, 15:47
Hi all

After some advice and support. Have just come back from a holiday with my family and found my anxiety really peaked!

I found it hard being constantly around people and not having any time to recharge (if that makes sense) as a result, I found myself getting claustrophobic in any loud or busy places and the worst bit was I was VILE to my poor family.

My partner is pretty good and gets it (he suffers himself) but my parents don't fully get it and I think they just thought I was being horrible.

I'm just curious to know if anyone else has these problems? In general I find I need a lot of time to myself with no one disturbing me. I am most comfortable in my own company and in my own home and I find most 'public' places (especially shops and pubs) quite overpowering.

As I am a fairly loud, confident and outwardly 'happy' person I find it hard to explain my anxiety to others and constantly feel I have to justify it. I find my moods can swing from happy to moody/irritable and panicky very very quickly and I feel like many of my friends and family don't understand.

Sometimes I feel like they think I am making it up!

Sometimes I even wonder myself... is anything actually wrong with me? or am I just being awkward?!

Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly welcomed.


17-04-16, 16:07
I'm pretty social by nature. In a group of people or at a party, I'm quite comfortable engaging and interacting, even with total strangers. I'm in sales and talking with people is quite natural for me. I'm also a musician and performer and I'm in front of large crowds on a regular basis. I have no issues and enjoy the attention tbh :) That being said, afterwards, the last thing I want to do is be around people. I need some alone time to settle down from the rush of performing. And after a day at work interacting as I do, the last thing I want to do is talk to people... With the exception of my wife and even then, she knows I need a bit to unwind and chill and she gives me space. In general, though, when I'm not in the entertaining environment, I prefer less people. Like when grocery shopping.. I get irritable when the store is crowded.... Even at work, I have my office and I like the privacy.

So no, I don't think it's unusual, but we do have to take a deep breath and manage our irritability at times right? :)

Positive thoughts

17-04-16, 16:16
Thanks for the reply :)

I find managing to irritability so hard... it is like, the harder I try to 'suck it up' the worse it gets, and eventually I explode! I am particularly horrible to my Mom which I feel awful about as she totally doesn't deserve it :( the fact I know I have upset her makes me feel even more anxious and the cycle continues...

What I have learned is that I cope way better when I make sure I have time to myself after being with a load of people.

I find noise is a huge problem for me, especially TV and the sound of anyone fidgeting with something. I can't explain it, but it just sort of sets me on edge and I can't relax.

I wonder sometimes if my issues are genuine anxiety or just the fact I am an impatient person?