View Full Version : Stomach Flu? PPI Withdrawal? Or Worse...

17-04-16, 18:43
So, I posted awhile back regarding a change in my voice. Found out that it was due to reflux and been on PPI for about half a year. During that time, I got a pretty bad intestinal infection that left me passing blood + mucus followed by 3 days of constipation.

That soon passed. However, I also learnt about the long-term effects of taking PPIs, namely vitamin/calcium deficiency and an increased risk of infection (accounting for the intestinal thing).

A week ago today, I suddenly felt extremely tired with an upset stomach (nausea as opposed to diarrhea, bowel movements still perfectly normal). Thinking I caught the stomach flu, I decided to go off the PPIs. In addition to the side effects, the cost of popping meds long-term was another issue.

A week later, I'm still fatigued (though not as bad as before), warm all over with an upset stomach after some meals (those with more veggies, interestingly enough). No pain though, except from the occasional burning burp on an empty stomach.

Having HA, my imagination started going out of control. If this was just a viral thing, shouldn't this have cleared by now? Could the withdrawal symptoms from stopping the PPIs be making things worse? Was stopping the PPIs a bad move?

I've stopped Googling, but the evil knowledge gained from previous Googling expeditions have me thinking ulcers or worse... I know I'm just 25 and serious illnesses are extremely rare, but the mind does tend to go to the darkest of places when left to wander...

I'll be seeing a doctor in a few days if this still doesn't let up. Just need some perspective on the situation before I drive myself crazy...

17-04-16, 21:16
Why don't you start taking the ppi's again and see if the symptoms improve. Stopping them will give you rebound reflux if you have been taking them for more than a few weeks which won't be pleasant and if your symptoms improve after just one tablet you know you were having effects from stopping them.

You can then discuss this all with your Dr at your appt but you have not confused the issue by stopping the medication as well as maybe having a stomach bug on top.

There are much less severe drugs for acid reflux like ranitidine that don't have anywhere near as bad effects as the ppi's but they are more expensive for your surgery so they don't prescribe them as first choice.