View Full Version : Banged Head

17-04-16, 19:15
Last Tuesday night I banged my head on the corner of a cupboard, I hit it fairly hard and it cut and bled fairly badly.

I was on my own and it really shook me up, my family came round and said it was small enough it didn't need any stitches etc and would be ok.

Went to sleep that night bit shaken, next day I woke felt a bit groggy but went to work. When I got home I had quite a headache, went sleep and didn't feel too bad again next day.

As the day went on, I felt sick and a bit light headed, so went to A&E that night on Thursday. The doc I saw said that almost 0% chance of any serious injury and no need for an X-Ray and said to rest on the weekend probably had some kind of concussion.

Yesterday (Saturday) I felt bit hot and sick and then afterwards I believe I had a panic attack, a pure overwhelming feeling. I am getting off and on pains on the top of my head, left of the crown which feels like pressure and it is making me panic as I don't know what this is.

I never ever get headaches, so I don't know what this ache is on the top of my head so I keep panicking, can you get headaches there? I know very little about head injuries and the doctors advice just hasn't reassured me. I think I will go to the GP tomorrow, Google hasn't been my friend here.

I do have health anxiety off and on and referred myself to see someone about it but this takes many weeks, it generally occurs at times of stress and I am trying to tell myself I am ok, that chances of a serious injury must be so low now 5 days later but I just need some reassurance to get me through to tomorrow without a night of panic.

17-04-16, 20:16
When I had anxiety about a brain tumor, I had bizarre head pains for weeks. Anxiety can do crazy stuff.

17-04-16, 22:00
Thanks, I feel ok then I think about the ache then mind convinces myself there is something majorly wrong..