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View Full Version : bowel cancer?????

chatty girl
17-04-16, 19:41
Hi everyone, its been a long time since I've posted but finally its caught up with me!!

Here goes! I've suffered bad piles since having my son 4 years ago, always bleed and very painful if I wipe to much, the andrex moist wipes are brilliant by the way. But its never bothered me I know what it is, until today.

I had a poo (sorry) about an hour before it all went down hill, no blood this time on wiping. Then I went for a wee and looked down the pan and there were about 3 dots of bright red blood expanding in the pan, I immediately wiped my bottom and it was definitely from there not the front! I've never had this before.

So now thats it bowel cancer, colon cancer I've got it! My grandma died of colon cancer to make things worse! I've been doctor googling all afternoon and everything points to cancer. I'm going to try and see the doctor tomorrow but have any of you ever had this??????

Thanks for listening xxxxx

17-04-16, 20:40
Hi chic .. Sounds like piles and are extremely inflamed because of the bleeding ..get ya self to doctors and I bet they'll write a script for something to soothe this .. Piles are horrendous I know 4 children later lol xx I know what you mean about family history I have had grandmother and great grandmother sadly pass with bowel cancer so I guess our minds automatically think we will .. Colon comes with so many other symptoms that's why I think 100% it's the piles coming back with avengance hope this helps and it's helping me to help someone else as I'd sit here thinking about mine if you get me ... Best wishes Sarah xx

chatty girl
18-04-16, 11:40
Hi Sarah, thanks for your reply. I'm seeing the doctor this afternoon so fingers cross.

I'm such a crazy person since having my little one and my ultimate fear is dying and not seeing him grow up! Arrrrgh

Dawn xx

03-06-16, 17:32
Hi dawn - did you ever get to the bottom of this?
I'm having same problem with rectal bleeding now!