View Full Version : Offering help and advice as a former high anxiety/panic sufferer

Calvin Harris
18-04-16, 06:48
Msg me with some questions if you like, I know how awful the state of chronic anxiety is and if I can help at least one person I will be happy.

My Story
I fell ill Feb 2014 with crazy dizzyness and brain fog. This led me to worry about it constantly for 3 months as I couldn't function properly, meanwhile other anxiety symtoms started to snowball and changed my life.

This went on for around 1 year and a half suffering pretty bad not knowing what was happening.

I would say where I made my progress in overcoming very high 24/7 anxiety was when I stopped putting faith in doctors to cure me and realized how powerful the human body is and if you give it the right nutrients It will take care of itself. It is great to have a physical examination but once you have been told you are healthy by doctors there is nothing more they can do.

I read countless things on how diet can heal most diseases and I put my faith in this to heal me.

This gave my mind just enough time of worrying to settle down.

At first I would go 3 hours without flooding my system with Adrenalin then if i did have a little anxiety panic I would walk of the feeling and try again

It soon got to going a full day with setting of my anxiety consciously by ruminating and having stupid thoughts.

Then weeks and months

It has now been at least 4 months without panic or high anxiety I still think alot but have gained so much knowledge reading things on the human body and health that I am no longer afraid and trust in my body to take care of me.

You cannot fight the subconscious panic (walking into the doctors etc) you have to accept this situations for now as its automatic fear but you can overcome causing it yourself by not obsessing over symtoms and googling stuff freaking yourself out.

reduced breathing (blocking one nostril breathing lightly through the other) can help settle you down which is also a great tool as sometimes it can provide a sensastion similar to taking a benzo if you are feeling tense etc.