View Full Version : Brown tissue like stuff in urine?

18-04-16, 07:17
Hi all

Just wondering if anyone has had brown tissue like substance in their urine. The day before I started having an irritable bladder and noticed white tissue in my wee. Some of them were large ish strips.

I also had the urgency on and off throughout yesterday. White floaty particles. Then last night I passed some brownish substance that appeared to be part of the white tissue material. I am so freaked out. However after passing that I have been feeling better.

Is it possible it is a UTI? This morning my wee has less white tissue stuff but it's now in the afternoon and I think I passed another lighter brown? tissue bit but it was at the bottom of the bowl so I couldn't see it properly and in another maybe a couple of little red / black particles?

Any ideas? I am trying not to overreact but it's hard. I have a doctors appointment on Friday. Thanks in advance...

18-04-16, 07:41
Sounds just like a UTI to me. Mucous, blood, cloudiness (what you describe as particles) are all symptoms.

Sounds like its clearing a little on its own but I would still go to GP if I were you - I left mine thinking cranberry tablets would clear it and it then took over a month and three lots of antibiotics. :mad:

I'm sure you'll be fine

18-04-16, 08:05
Thanks for responding! So grateful.

My urine itself is clear just these strips of white / brown tissue so it's not really 'cloudy' and today saw a couple black / brownish maybe reddish particles in one of the pee but the urine itself is clear. Does this still sound like a UTI?

I don't like antibiotics at all so I'm hoping if it is it is clearing. I'm just worried it's something more sinister as I thought I would have more symptoms if it were a UTI. It doesn't hurt to go ... only yesterday I felt like I had to go more often and I did void a reasonable amount when I went. I'm just concerned about this 'stuff'.

Have you had these before?

18-04-16, 08:23
I had the white things when I had the UTI. I think its just mucous but i remember it worried me at the time as it had never happend before.. I had blood too but could only see it on a urine test.

As for the minimal symptoms, I once had UTI with no symptoms at all other than cloudy wee. In fact I didn't even know I had one until aI had a urine test as a result of something unconnected.

18-04-16, 10:46
Thanks. I guess it's the brown strips and black red particles that bother me :( I get anxious about going for a wee! Omgggg :(