View Full Version : Collar bone hard area/lump... Oh god please no....

18-04-16, 11:41
Oh PLEASE help me..... Today I have found a very hard area/lump/swelling inside my collar bone area, if you make that hollow between your neck and collar bone that's where it is and it's on my left side, whereas my right side isn't half as big or hard, stupid me looked up lymph node in collarbone area and it said when these swell & are hard it's much more likely to be cancerous!! I'm doomed, I'm waiting for my doctor to phone back but they will say no to seeing me as I keep going in as an emergency and I'm booked in for Friday, but I CANNOT wait that long. I am getting help but it's a long waiting list & long process.
I NEW I had this terrible thing I new I did. Please please any one can you help? Sat alone frightened, sometimes wondering why I'm here.......

18-04-16, 12:20
Ok, deep breaths. Concentrate on your breathing and try to calm down.

Firstly. We have HA. We feel things differently than medical staff do. Anxiety is that powerful that what might feel like a big hard lump for us feels like normal anatomy to a medical professional. At the moment with your level of anxiety you are going to feel things that aren't there, or even things that are but most likely are absolutely fine.

I have what feels like two hard lumps in the same place. Our bodies aren't symmetrical, I have things on both sides of my body but those things on the right side tend to feel bigger.

You can wait until Friday. I know how awful the panic is but medically it can wait until Friday and rushing to the GP while tempting is only something that will keep the anxiety cycle going. In the long run waiting will be better for your anxiety although short term it might not feel that way.

I am sure your GP will say it's ok when you see him because everything else you have been worried about hasn't came true. This will probably be another worry to add to your list of things you worried about but the GP didn't... I have a long list of those!

Google is horrible. Google diagnosed me with liver failure because I had a white spot on my nail. Well, I'm still here. It also diagnosed me with every cancer imaginable, it's a wonder I'm still alive :D Even prostate cancer which is miraculous as I don't have one!

I am off to work in a bit but I PMed you before I read this. I will check back with you this evening if you like so we can have a chat?

18-04-16, 13:49
Thank you Hypo, words can't explain how grateful I am. Gp will see me at 2.30pm. I think she will find things x

18-04-16, 14:33
Hi, I also have a hardish lump one side near my collar bone, when I first found it my anxiety hit really bad the lump felt HUGE! But once I had it checked and the doctor said it was nothing my anxiety calmed and the lump did not seem so big, anxiety makes us see and feel things differently to what they really are, what you are explaining sounds something like what i have got and mine is harmless and pretty sure yours will be too. Is that 2:30on today? Or Friday?

18-04-16, 15:04
How did you get on?

18-04-16, 16:28
Are you sure its a lump and not one of the countless muscles there?